Measure IT Project Value

Anchor IT project benefits in realistic metrics and accountabilities.


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Failure to properly define, manage, track, and report on project benefits results in:

  • Difficulty assessing the success of completed projects.
  • Low executive satisfaction with IT projects.
  • Decreased confidence in IT’s ability to meet business objectives and provide value to the organization.
  • Reduced IT budget.

When benefits are properly defined and owned, you make smarter decisions about the projects you execute and the way these projects are managed. A formalized benefits legitimacy process results in:

  • Increased accountability for project outcomes.
  • Better project intake decision making.
  • Better project management decision making.
  • Greater real and perceived project success.
  • Higher business satisfaction with IT.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Analyze the Current State of Benefits Management

The Purpose

  • Assess the current state of benefits management at your organization and establish a realistic target state.
  • Establish project and portfolio baselines for benefits management.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Set achievable workshop goals and align stakeholder expectations.
  • Establish a solid foundation for benefits management success.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Introductions and overview.
1.2 Discuss attendee expectations and goals.
1.3 Complete Info-Tech’s PPM Current State Scorecard.
  • Info-Tech’s PPM Current State Scorecard report
1.4 Perform right-wrong-confusing-missing analysis.
  • Right-wrong-confusing-missing analysis
1.5 Define target state for benefits management.
  • Stakeholder alignment around workshop goals and target state
1.6 Refine project levels.
  • Info-Tech’s Project Intake Classification Matrix

Module 2: Establish Benefits Legitimacy During Portfolio Intake

The Purpose

  • Establish organizationally specific benefit metrics and KPIs.
  • Develop clear roles and accountabilities for benefits management.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An articulation of project benefits and measurements.
  • Clear checkpoints for benefits communication during the project are defined.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Map the current portfolio intake process.
2.2 Establish project sponsor responsibilities and accountabilities for benefits management.
  • Info-Tech’s Project Sponsor Role Description Template
2.3 Develop organizationally specific benefit metrics and KPIs.
  • Info-Tech’s Benefits Commitment Form Template
2.4 Integrate intake legitimacy into portfolio intake processes.
  • Intake legitimacy process flow and RASCI chart
  • Intake legitimacy SOP

Module 3: Maintain Benefits Legitimacy Throughout Project Planning and Execution

The Purpose

  • Develop a customized SOP for benefits management during project planning and execution.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Ensure that all changes to the project have been recorded and benefits have been updated in preparation for deployment.
  • Updated benefits expectations are included in the final sign-off package.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Map current project management process and audit project management documentation.
  • Customized project management toolkit
3.2 Identify appropriate benefits control points.
  • Info-Tech’s Project Benefits Documentation Workbook
3.3 Customize project management documentation to integrate benefits.
  • Deployment of legitimacy process flow and RASCI chart
3.4 Develop a deployment legitimacy process flow.
  • Deployment of legitimacy SOP

Module 4: Close the Deal on Project Benefits

The Purpose

  • Develop a post-project benefits realization process.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Clear project sponsorship accountabilities for post-project benefits tracking and reporting.
  • A portfolio level benefits tracking tool for reporting on benefits attainment.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Identify appropriate benefits control points in the post-project process.
4.2 Configure Info-Tech’s Portfolio Benefits Tracking Tool.
  • Info-Tech’s Portfolio Benefits Tracking Tool
4.3 Define a post-project benefits reporting process.
  • Post-Project legitimacy process flow and RASCI chart
4.4 Formalize protocol for reporting on, and course correcting, benefit lags.
4.5 Develop a post-project legitimacy process flow.
  • Post-Project Legitimacy SOP
  • Info-Tech’s Benefits Legitimacy Handbook
  • Info-Tech’s Benefits Legitimacy Workflow Template
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