Enhance PPM Dashboards and Reports

Empower decision makers through improved information and decision-making support.


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If your organization perpetuates ineffective and under-utilized PPM dashboards and reports, you increase the risk of:

  • Delayed PPM decisions and reduced decision quality.
  • Senior managers becoming disengaged from project portfolio management and alienated from the PMO.
  • Wasting scarce resource hours on reports and dashboards that are not generating any value.

Enhancing PPM dashboards and reports will help:

  • Support key PPM decision makers and improve their engagement in project portfolio management (PPM).
  • Improve project portfolio management success through faster and better decision making, more effective co-ordination, and better focused project execution.
  • Convert time spent on the administrative overhead involved in maintaining PPM dashboards and reports into a worthwhile investment, yielding improved PPM performance.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Establish a PPM Dashboard and Reporting Enhancement

The Purpose

  • PPM dashboards and reports will only be effective and valuable if they are designed to meet your organization’s specific needs and priorities.
  • Conduct a decision-support review and a thorough dashboard and report audit to identify the gaps your project will address.
  • Take advantage of the planning stage to secure sponsor and stakeholder buy-in.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Current-state assessment of satisfaction with PPM decision-making support.
  • Current-state assessment of all existing dashboards and reports: effort, usage, and satisfaction.
  • A shortlist of dashboards and reports to improve that is informed by actual needs and priorities.
  • A shortlist of dashboards and reports to create that is informed by actual needs and priorities.
  • The foundation for a purposeful and focused PPM dashboard and reporting program that is sustainable in the long term.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Engage in PPM decision-making review.
  • PPM Decision-Making Review
1.2 Perform a PPM dashboard and reporting audit and gap analysis.
  • PPM Dashboard and Reporting Audit
1.3 Identify dashboards and/or reports needed.
  • Prioritized list of dashboards and reports to be improved and created
1.4 Plan the PPM dashboard and reporting project.
  • Roadmap for the PPM dashboard and reporting project

Module 2: Design New or Improved PPM Dashboards and Reporting

The Purpose

  • Once the purpose of each PPM dashboard and report has been identified (based on needs and priorities) it is important to establish what exactly will be required to produce the desired outputs.
  • Gathering stakeholder and technical requirements will ensure that the proposed and finalized designs are realistic and sustainable in the long term.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Dashboard and report designs that are informed by a thorough analysis of stakeholder and technical requirements.
  • Dashboard and report designs that are realistically sustainable in the long term.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Review the best practices and science behind effective dashboards and reporting.
2.2 Gather stakeholder requirements.
  • List of stakeholder requirements for dashboards and reports
2.3 Gather technical requirements.
2.4 Build wireframe options for each dashboard or report.
  • Wireframe design options
  • Record of the assessment of each wireframe design: requirements, feasibility, and usability
2.5 Review options: requirements, feasibility, and usability.
2.6 Finalize initial designs.
  • A set of finalized initial designs for dashboards and reports.
2.7 Design and record the input, production, and consumption workflows and processes.
  • Process workflows for each initial design

Module 3: Plan to Roll Out Enhanced PPM Dashboards and Reports

The Purpose

  • Ensure that enhanced dashboards and reports are actually adopted in the long term by carefully planning their roll-out to inputters, producers, and consumers.
  • Plan to train all stakeholders, including report consumers, to ensure that the reports generate the decision support and PPM value they were designed to.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An informed, focused, and scheduled plan for rolling out dashboards and reports and for training the various stakeholders involved.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Plan for external resourcing (if necessary): vendors, consultants, contractors, etc.
  • External resourcing plan
3.2 Conduct impact analysis: risks and opportunities.
  • Impact analysis and risk mitigation plan
3.3 Create an implementation and training plan.
3.4 Determine PPM dashboard and reporting project success metrics.
  • Record of the PPM dashboard and reporting project success metrics
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