Effectively Use SharePoint as Your ECM Solution

Structure your content for a successful user experience.


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Without spending the time up front building a management team and content structure, organizations report:

  • Employees don’t use the new technology after a major investment.
  • Users cannot find the documents they need.
  • IT bears all the responsibility for delivering a business-friendly and responsive SharePoint solution.
  • Departments and power users create sites without controls or guidance.
  • Content and collaboration services do not support actual business operations or requirements.
  • Employees create their own content repositories on their hard drives or in email and avoiding SharePoint.
  • Sites become cluttered and abandoned.
  • Without training and controls, unauthorized users are granted access to critical and private information.

With careful planning up front and accountable decision makers guiding the SharePoint program:

  • Users can quickly find and share the documents they need for their work.
  • Routine workflows are automated.
  • All authorized users can access the information they need themselves without having to request access via email each time.
  • The business is leading the direction of SharePoint use and expansion.
  • Records are retained and disposed of in compliance with schedules.
  • Content owners and business leaders use SharePoint’s analytics to continuously understand and improve content services.
  • When an employee leaves or goes on vacation, other team members can easily navigate their workspaces.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: SharePoint Foundations

The Purpose

  • Introduce key SharePoint and ECM concepts.
  • Build a management team/governance committee of decision makers from the lines of business.
  • Define how to communicate major change to users.
  • Create vision for SharePoint content services.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Accountabilities assigned for during the project and ongoing
  • Understanding of the size of the work involved in building the SharePoint solution
  • Rules and guidelines for the setup and use of SharePoint

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Review SharePoint and ECM concepts.
  • High-level information landscape
1.2 Identify governance committee members and SMEs.
  • ECM governance charter
1.3 Develop the vision for the SharePoint program.
  • SharePoint vision and mission statement
1.4 Determine approach to engaging and educating users.
  • Communication plan
1.5 Develop policies.
  • SharePoint policy (or information management policies)

Module 2: SharePoint Information Architecture

The Purpose

  • Understand current information communities and workflows.
  • Outline information architecture work items.
  • Understand concepts like metadata, records management retention, standard terminology.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Best-practice approach to building information architecture (IA)
  • Plan for building content structures
  • Understanding of expertise and time required to build IA foundation
  • Management team has the knowledge to negotiate with technology and service providers

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Gather key use cases.
  • List of each stakeholder’s top three priority use cases
2.2 Decide scope from among use cases.
  • Pilot scope workflows
  • Pilot scope documents
2.3 Audit key content.
2.4 Review IA best practices.

Module 3: SharePoint Inventory and Migration

The Purpose

  • Identify which documents are to be migrated and build a structure for organizing them in the new environment.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • List of documents to be migrated
  • Framework for building a content structure in the new SharePoint system
  • Support decisions about approach to migration (e.g. third-party service, Microsoft API)

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Inventory documents to be migrated.
  • Content audit
3.2 Develop migration plan.
  • Migration plan
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