Application Portfolio Management Foundations

Ensure your application portfolio delivers the best possible return on investment.

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Neglecting your portfolio leads to:

  • Unnecessary and high maintenance costs.
  • Misdirection between IT and the business.
  • Risks that cause more significant harm and cost to the business.

Rationalizing your application and showcasing their future direction:

  • Reduces cost, risk, and complexity facing both IT and the business.
  • Keeps stakeholders aligned with and informed on their applications.
  • Ensures IT leaders maintain their role as drivers of the business.

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Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

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Module 1: Lay Your Foundations

The Purpose

  • Work with key corporate stakeholders to come to a shared understanding of the benefits and aspects of application portfolio management.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Establish the goals of APM.
  • Set the scope of APM responsibilities.
  • Establish business priorities for the application portfolio.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Assess your current application portfolio
  • An understanding of your current application portfolio
1.2 Determine narrative
  • Current narrative for why we need to rationalize our application portfolio
1.3 Define goals and metrics
  • Set short- and long-term goals and metrics
1.4 Define application categories
  • List of application categories
1.5 Determine steps and roles
  • A list of steps and roles for your rationalization program

Module 2: Improve Your Inventory

The Purpose

  • Gather information on your applications to build a detailed inventory and identify areas of redundancy.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Populated inventory based on your and your team’s current knowledge.
  • Understanding of outstanding data and a plan to collect it.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Populate inventory
  • Initial application inventory
2.2 Assign to business capabilities
  • Alignment of inventory to business capabilities

Module 3: Rationalize Your Applications

The Purpose

Work with the application subject matter experts to collect and compile data points and determine the appropriate disposition for your apps.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Dispositions for individual applications
  • Application rationalization framework

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Assess business value
  • Business value score for individual applications
3.2 Assess technical health
  • Technical health score for individual applications
3.3 Assess end-user perspective
  • End-user satisfaction score for individual applications
3.4 Assess total cost of ownership
  • Assessed TCO for individual applications

Module 4: Populate Your Roadmap

The Purpose

  • Work with application delivery specialists to determine the strategic plans for your apps and place these in your portfolio roadmap.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Prioritized initiatives
  • Initial application portfolio roadmap
  • Ongoing structure of APM

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Review APM Snapshot results
  • A clear view of areas to focus on
4.2 Review Rationalization results
  • A view of recommended dispositions and priorities for your applications
4.3 Determine dispositions
  • Confirmed set of dispositions for your applications
4.4 Assess redundancies (optional)
  • Identified set of redundant applications
4.5 Determine dispositions for redundant applications (optional)
  • Dispositions for redundant applications
4.6 Prioritize initiatives
  • Prioritized new potential initiatives
4.7 Determine ongoing cadence
  • Established an ongoing cadence of activities
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