Develop an Optimal Sports Betting Approach

Move the line odds in your favor by building and selecting the right sports betting model for your operation.


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Your organization is missing out on opportunities that can come with a sportsbook.

  • Your competitors have already made an effort to establish their own sportsbook.
  • The number of vendors in the space is overwhelming.
  • You are unsure what the right fit for your operation might be to minimize losses and increase revenue.

A sportsbook would provide your organization with increased benefits and opportunities.

  • Gain access to the millennial market.
  • Generate new forms of revenue.
  • Remain competitive with your market offering.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Sportsbook Business Model Understanding and Selection

The Purpose

  • Understand the characteristics that define the sports betting business models and select a business model for your sportsbook.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Gain insight into the primary characteristics that define a sportsbook.
  • Gain awareness into how your tolerance for each characteristic will impact your business model.
  • Learn what other businesses are doing.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Assess current challenges and drivers.
  • Identification of why a sportsbook is needed and what the potential roadblocks are.
1.2 Review your organization’s tolerance toward each characteristic.
  • Clear indication of how your organization can or will support each characteristic.
1.3 Conduct a strategic analysis and use the Sports Betting Business Model Selection Tool.
  • The ideal sportsbook business model for your organization.

Module 2: Sportsbook Vendor Evaluation and Solicitation

The Purpose

  • Be prepared to go to market with an RFP and have the resources needed to get your organization through the RFP and contract negotiation process.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Clear and objective insight into the different vendors that operate in the sports betting space.
  • A series of tools and templates that can be used to get through the process of selecting a vendor.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Review the Sports Betting Vendor Landscape and use the shortlist tool.
  • A sports betting vendor shortlist to send your RFP to.
2.2 Conduct requirements gathering.
  • Documented requirements to indicate who is responsible for each role.
2.3 Map the customer journey.
  • Detailed understanding of what the customer touchpoints are and if there are any components not yet considered for your sportsbook.
2.4 Create an RFP.
  • A completed RFP to send to the vendors on your shortlist.
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