Develop an Exponential IT Roadmap

Evolve IT to harness unprecedented opportunities in the era of exponential technologies.

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Organizations need their IT functions to play a critical role as they face new threats and opportunities from rapidly evolving technologies.

  • In a rapidly changing technology landscape, organizations are adopting exponential technologies at an accelerated rate. The chasm between the organization’s desire to harness technology and IT’s ability to deliver it will continue to widen if IT continues down a traditional delivery path. Traditional linear IT is no longer viable to sustain IT's place as the leading technology provider for its organization.
  • The chasm between the organization’s desire for harnessing technology and IT’s ability to deliver it will continue to widen.
  • To proactively keep this gap closed and sustain IT’s place as the leading technology provider for the organization, IT needs to fundamentally transform the way it’s operating.
  • However, it can also be a difficult exercise to prioritize where to start and which areas to focus on your journey to evolve your IT organization.

Follow Info-Tech’s approach to building an Exponential IT roadmap:

  • Assess your organization’s readiness for exponential technologies and IT’s readiness for Exponential IT.
  • Determine what drives organizational value, then use this to identify your Exponential IT programs and work packages derived from Info-Tech’s expert insights and framework.
  • Identify and prioritize initiatives to work toward Exponential IT over the next 12 months, using Info-Tech’s transformation actions as a guide.
  • Leverage the Communication Template to clearly communicate the roadmap and benefits of Exponential IT to stakeholders.

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Module 1: Pre-Workshop: Discover Exponential IT

The Purpose

  • Understand Exponential IT and gauge readiness.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Understanding of the Exponential IT concept and key terminologies.
  • Completed diagnostic provides an understanding of organizational and IT readiness for the Exponential IT journey.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Discover Exponential IT through the Exponential IT Research Center Capstone and Exponential IT research blueprints for the nine IT domains.
1.2 Gauge Exponential IT readiness through the Exponential IT Diagnostic (optional).
  • Exponential IT Readiness Diagnostic Report

Module 2: Identify Your Starting Point

The Purpose

  • Gauge readiness for Exponential IT, prioritize value outcomes based on IT goals, and identify relevant Exponential IT programs to help you achieve desired outcomes.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Prioritize value outcomes and Exponential IT programs, work packages, and transformation actions to inform roadmap.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Align on the goals of Exponential IT (Exponential IT Keynote).
2.2 Gauge your Exponential IT readiness.
  • Assessment of readiness
2.3 Document relevant IT goals.
2.4 Prioritize value outcomes.
  • Prioritized value outcomes
2.5 Identify relevant Exponential IT programs that can help you achieve the desired value outcomes.
  • Prioritized Exponential IT programs and work packages of actions

Module 3: Develop Your One-Year Roadmap

The Purpose

  • Identify and prioritize key initiatives to help you work toward Exponential IT and value outcomes in the next year.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Roadmap of prioritized Exponential IT initiatives.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Pinpoint current and target milestones for all transformation actions.
  • Exponential IT workbook
3.2 Develop initiatives.
3.3 Prioritize initiatives.
  • List of prioritized initiatives
3.4 Create your roadmap.
  • Exponential IT roadmap of initiatives

Module 4: Act, Communicate, and Refresh Annually

The Purpose

  • Build a plan to communicate, operationalize, and continually refresh your Exponential IT roadmap.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Defined measurement criteria for an initiative.
  • Documented stakeholder communication plan and executive presentation.
  • Decided timeline for a refresh of the roadmap.
  • Plan to integrate into IT strategy.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Identify metrics for each initiative.
  • Documented metrics
4.2 Document stakeholder communication plan.
  • Stakeholder Communication Plan
  • Executive Communication Deck
4.3 Decide on refresh timeline.
  • Refresh and integration plan
4.4 Integrate with IT strategy.
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