Develop a Plan to Pilot Enterprise Service Management

Deliver exceptional services to the customer by managing services across the enterprise.


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An inflexible service management practice that fails to deliver timely services can cause many pain points:

  • Business and IT teams that are disengaged and do not have tight integration.
  • Stakeholders who are unsatisfied with the services provided.
  • Loss of business service credibility due to inflexible service delivery.

Utilizing ESM will:

  • Increase business and customer satisfaction.
  • Increase the flexibility and responsiveness of service delivery to the customer.
  • Improve collaboration between teams within the organization.
  • Improve the relationship and communication between stakeholders and service teams.
  • Build an environment suitable for innovation with motivated service staff.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Understand ESM and Get Buy-In

The Purpose

  • Understand what ESM is and how it can improve customer service.
  • Determine the scope of your ESM initiative and identify who the stakeholders are for this program.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Understanding of ESM concepts.
  • Understanding of the scope and stakeholders for your ESM initiative.
  • Plan for getting buy-in for the ESM program.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Understand the concepts and benefits of ESM.
1.2 Determine the scope of your ESM program.
1.3 Identify your stakeholders.
1.4 Develop an executive buy-in presentation.
  • Executive buy-in presentation
1.5 Develop a general communications presentation.
  • General communications presentation

Module 2: Assess the Current State for ESM

The Purpose

  • Assess your current state with respect to culture, governance, skills, and tools.
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses from the ESM assessment scores.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Understanding of your organization’s current enablers and constraints for ESM.
  • Determination and analysis of data needed to identify strengths or weaknesses in culture, governance, skills, and tools.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Understand your organization’s mission and vision.
2.2 Assess your organization’s culture, governance, skills, and tools.
  • ESM assessment score
2.3 Identify the gaps and determine the necessary foundational action items.
  • Foundational action items

Module 3: Define Services and Create Custom Journey Maps

The Purpose

  • Define and choose the top services at the organization.
  • Create customer journey maps for the chosen services.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • List of prioritized services.
  • Customer journey maps for the prioritized services.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Make a list of your services.
  • List of services
3.2 Prioritize your services.
3.3 Build customer journey maps.
  • Customer journey maps
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