Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program for IT

Select flexible work options that balance organizational and employee needs to drive engagement and improve attraction and retention.


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Workplace flexibility continues to be top priority for IT employees, and as a result:

  • Organizations who fail to offer flexibility will have a difficult time attracting, recruiting, and retaining talent.
  • If the benefits of remote work are not available to everyone, this will raise fairness and equity concerns for employees.

Follow Info-Tech’s targeted approach to:

  • Uncover the needs of unique employee segments to shortlist flexible work options that employees want and will use.
  • Assess the feasibility of various flexible work options and select ones that meet employee needs and are feasible for the organization.
  • Equip leaders with the information and tools needed to implement and sustain a flexible work program.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Prepare to Assess Flex Work Feasibility

The Purpose

Gather information on organizational and employee flexibility needs.

Key Benefits Achieved

Understand the flexibility needs of the organization and its employees to inform a targeted flex work program.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Identify employee and organizational needs.
  • Organizational context summary
1.2 Identify employee segments.
1.3 Establish program goals and metrics.
1.4 Shortlist flexible work options.
  • List of shortlisted flex work options

Module 2: Assess Flex Work Feasibility

The Purpose

Perform a data-driven feasibility analysis on shortlisted work options.

Key Benefits Achieved

A data-driven feasibility analysis ensures your flex work program meets its goals.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Conduct employee/manager focus groups to assess feasibility of flex work options.
  • Summary of flex work options feasibility per employee segment

Module 3: Finalize Flex Work Options

The Purpose

Select the most impactful flex work options and create a plan for addressing implementation challenge

Key Benefits Achieved

A data-driven selection process ensures decisions and exceptions can be communicated with full transparency.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Finalize list of approved flex work options.
  • Final list of flex work options
3.2 Brainstorm solutions to implementation issues.
  • Implementation barriers and solutions summary
3.3 Identify how to overcome cultural barriers.

Module 4: Prepare for Implementation

The Purpose

Create supporting materials to ensure program implementation proceeds smoothly.

Key Benefits Achieved

Employee- and manager-facing guides and policies ensure the program is clearly documented and communicated.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Design employee and manager guide prototype.
  • Employee and manager guide to flexible work
4.2 Align HR programs and policies to support flexible work.
4.3 Create a communication plan.
  • Flex work roadmap and communication plan

Module 5: Next Steps and Wrap-Up

The Purpose

Put everything together and prepare to implement.

Key Benefits Achieved

Our analysts will support you in synthesizing the workshop’s efforts into a cohesive implementation strategy.

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days.
  • Completed flexible work feasibility workbook
  • Flexible work communication plan
5.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps.
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