Determine the Future of Microsoft Project in Your Organization

View your task management, project management, and project portfolio management options through the lens of M365.


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Without a strategic approach to task management, project management, and project portfolio management in MS Project and M365 you risk:

  • Overallocated staff.
  • Missed project deadlines and poor project results.
  • Angry project stakeholders and senior leadership.

A strategic approach to task management, project management, and project portfolio management in MS in MS Project and M365 can result in:

  • More evenly allocated staff with better morale and focus.
  • More on-time projects with better results.
  • Happier stakeholders.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Assess Driving Forces and Risks

The Purpose

  • Assess the goals and needs as well as the risks and constraints of a work management optimization.
  • Take stock of your organization’s current work management tool landscape.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Clear goals and alignment across workshop participants as well as an understanding of the risks and constraints that will need to be mitigated to succeed.
  • Current-state insight into the organization’s work management tool landscape.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Review the business context.
  • Business context
1.2 Explore the M365 work management landscape.
  • Current-state understanding of the task, project, and portfolio management options in M365 and how they align with the organization’s ways of working
1.3 Identify driving forces for change.
  • Goals and needs analysis
1.4 Analyze potential risks.
  • Risks and constraints analysis
1.5 Perform current-state analysis on work management tools.
  • Work management tool overview

Module 2: Determine Tool Needs and Process Maturity

The Purpose

  • Determine your organization’s work management tool needs as well as its current level of project management and project portfolio management process maturity.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An understanding of your tooling needs and your current levels of process maturity.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Review tool audit dashboard and conduct the final audit.
  • Tool audit
2.2 Identify current Microsoft licensing.
  • An understanding of licensing options and what’s needed to optimize MS Project options
2.3 Assess current-state maturity for project management.
  • Project management current-state analysis
2.4 Define target state for project management.
  • Project management gap analysis
2.5 Assess current-state maturity for project portfolio management.
  • Project portfolio management current-state analysis
2.6 Define target state for project portfolio management.
  • Project portfolio management gap analysis

Module 3: Weigh Your Implementation Options

The Purpose

  • Take stock of your implementation options for Microsoft old project tech and new project tech.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An optimized implementation approach based upon your organization’s current state and needs.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Prepare a needs assessment for Microsoft 365 and Project Plan licenses.
  • M365 and Project Plan needs assessment
3.2 Review the business case for Microsoft licensing.
  • Business case for additional M365 and MS Project licensing
3.3 Get familiar with Project for the web.
  • An understand of Project for the web and how to extend it
3.4 Assess the MS Gold Partner Community.
  • MS Gold Partner outreach plan
3.5 Conduct a feasibility test for PFTW.
  • A go/no-go decision for extending Project for the web on your own

Module 4: Finalize Implementation Approach

The Purpose

  • Determine the best implementation approach for your organization and prepare an action plan.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A purpose-built implementation approach to help communicate recommendations and needs to key stakeholders.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Decide on the implementation approach.
  • An implementation plan
4.2 Identify the audience for your proposal.
  • Stakeholder analysis
4.3 Determine timeline and assign accountabilities.
  • A communication plan
4.4 Develop executive summary presentation.
  • Initial executive presentation

Module 5: Next Steps and Wrap-Up (offsite)

The Purpose

  • Finalize your M365 and MS Project work management recommendations and get ready to communicate them to key stakeholders.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Time saved in developing and communicating an action plan.
  • Stakeholder buy-in.

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days.
  • Finalized executive presentation
5.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps.
  • A gameplan to communicate your recommendations to key stakeholders as well as a roadmap for future optimization
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