Deploy AIOps to Improve Operations

Transform your organization and revolutionize IT Operations by fostering a data driven approach.


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Business leaders find IT departments expensive, making them hesitant to adopt automation technologies:

  • Executives cannot keep up with technology improvement pace.
  • Lack of automations makes the business fall behind the competition.

Prepare a plan to deploy AI capabilities to improve IT operations:

  • Automation of IT operations will make staff more productive, reduce costs, provide better resource allocation, align staff with business requirements, and improve business productivity.
  • Automation of tasks will reduce service disruptions, improve operations timeliness, and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Identify Current State and Future State

The Purpose

Identify IT pain points and business goals and determine IT readiness to use AIOps.

Key Benefits Achieved

Determine IT readiness and define business goals for AIOps.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Brainstorm challenges to be alleviated by AIOps.
  • List of IT challenges that can be alleviated by AIOps
1.2 Define goals.
  • AIOps objectives
  • List of potential AIOps costs and benefits
1.3 Conduct maturity assessment.
  • Current state versus target state maturity levels

Module 2: Discover AIOps Use Cases and Select a Platform

The Purpose

Learn about AIOps offerings and build a list of use cases.

Key Benefits Achieved

Gain knowledge about AIOps platforms and their core capabilities and build a list of AIOps use cases.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Evaluate AIOps core features.
  • List of AIOps core features
2.2 Brainstorm use cases.
  • Longlist of AIOps use cases
2.3 Narrow down use cases to get the most value.
  • Prioritized list of use cases

Module 3: Finalize Deployment Plan

The Purpose

Build a checklist of action items for AIOps deployment and analyze skill sets for transition to IT operations automation.

Key Benefits Achieved

Develop a checklist for AIOps deployment and find out about skill set requirements.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Identify required skill sets.
  • Required skill sets
3.2 Create a list of roles and responsibilities.
  • Roles and responsibilities
3.3 Build a pilot deployment checklist.
  • AIOps Checklist

Module 4: Implement a Proof of Concept

The Purpose

Put AIOps into action and extend its capabilities.

Key Benefits Achieved

Build an implementation plan for deployment and a communication plan to get stakeholder buy-in for deployment and the future automation initiatives.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Plan to analyze return on investment.
  • AIOps ROI
4.2 Monitor project implementation.
  • List of metrics.
4.3 Build AIOps implementation roadmap.
  • AIOps Roadmap
4.4 Build a communication plan
  • AIOps Stakeholder Buy-In Presentation
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