Deliver Digital Products at Scale

Deliver value at the scale of your organization through defining enterprise product families.

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As you are continuing your product transition, you may run into challenges:

  • Your stakeholders do not understand the importance of product delivery and the rigor required to go along with it.
  • Even in cases where you have viable product practices for a single product, this quickly falls apart and fails to scale when applying the same practices to a second product and beyond.
  • Organizations expect you to do more with less and are unsympathetic to your team not having a clear understanding of how to scale your product delivery practices.

Delivering digital products at scale has the following impacts:

  • You're able to communicate and manage the commitments for many products en masse, which helps you think strategically instead of being caught up in tactical details.
  • You have a well-defined list of product families with the flexibility to add and remove products to them without having a dramatic and linear impact on your organization’s ability to communicate and plan.

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Module 1: Become a Product-Centric Organization

The Purpose

  • Define products in your organization’s context and explore product families as a way to organize products at scale.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An understanding of the case for product practices
  • A concise definition of products and product families

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Understand your organizational factors driving product-centric delivery.
  • Organizational drivers and goals for a product-centric delivery
1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory.
  • Definition of product
1.3 Determine your approach to scale product families.
  • Product scaling principles
  • Scaling approach and direction
  • Pilot list of products to scale

Module 2: Organize Products Into Product Families

The Purpose

  • Identify a suitable approach to group the inventory of products into one or more product families.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A scaling approach for products that fits your organization

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Define your product families.
  • Product family mapping
  • Enabling applications
  • Dependent applications
  • Product family canvas

Module 3: Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

The Purpose

  • Confirm alignment between your products and product families via the product family roadmap and a shared definition of delivered value.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Recognition of the product family roadmap and a shared definition of value as key concepts to maintain alignment between your products and product families

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps.
  • Current approach for communication of product family strategy
3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication.
  • List of product family stakeholders and a prioritization plan for communication
3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps.
  • Defined key pieces of a product family roadmap
3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment.
  • An approach to confirming alignment between products and product families through a shared definition of business value

Module 4: Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery

The Purpose

  • Agree on the delivery approach that best aligns with your product families.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An understanding of the team configuration and operating model required to deliver value through your product families

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness.
  • Assessment results on your organization’s delivery maturity
4.2 Understand your delivery options.
  • A preferred approach to structuring product delivery
4.3 Determine your operating model.
  • Your preferred operating model for delivering product families
4.4 Identify how to fund product delivery.
  • Understanding of your preferred approach for product family funding
4.5 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy.
  • Product family transformation roadmap
4.6 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy.
  • Your plan for communicating your roadmap
4.7 Determine your next steps.
  • List of actionable next steps to start on your journey

Module 5: Advisory: Next Steps and Wrap-Up (offsite)

The Purpose

  • Implement your communication plan and transformation roadmap for transitioning to delivering products at the scale of your organization.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • New product family organization and supporting product delivery approach

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Execute communication plan and product family changes.
  • Organizational communication of product families and product family roadmaps
5.2 Review the pilot family implementation and update the transformation roadmap.
  • Product family implementation and updated transformation roadmap
5.3 Begin advisory calls for related blueprints.
  • Support for product owners, backlog and roadmap management, and other topics
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