Document Business Goals and Capabilities for Your IT Strategy

Successful IT strategies rely on a strong business understanding.


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Without a well-defined business context:

  • The IT organization’s efforts and projects may miss the mark on addressing the business’ core needs.
  • The perception of IT is a cost-center.

With a well-defined business context:

  • There is a concrete, clear, and documented business context for why IT is pursuing certain initiatives.
  • The business understands that IT is working towards helping them and are more willing to accept asks for additional resources.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Identify the Missing Business Context (pre-work)

The Purpose

  • Conduct analysis and facilitate discussions to uncover business needs for IT.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A baseline understanding of what business needs mean for IT

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Define the strategic CIO initiatives our organization will pursue.
  • Business context scope
1.2 Complete the Business Context Discovery Tool.
  • Completed Business Context Discovery Tool
1.3 Schedule relevant interviews.
1.4 Select relevant Info-Tech diagnostics to conduct.
  • Completed Info-Tech diagnostics

Module 2: Uncover and Document the Missing Context

The Purpose

  • Analyze the outputs from step 1 and uncover the business context gaps.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A thorough understanding of business needs and why IT should pursue certain initiatives

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Conduct group or one-on-one interviews to identify the missing pieces of the business context.
  • Documentation of answers to business context gaps

Module 3: Uncover and Document the Missing Context

The Purpose

  • Analyze the outputs from step 1 and uncover the business context gaps.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A thorough understanding of business needs and why IT should pursue certain initiatives

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Conduct group or one-on-one interviews to identify the missing pieces of the business context.
  • Documentation of answers to business context gaps

Module 4: Review Business Context and Next Steps

The Purpose

  • Review findings and implications for IT’s strategic initiative.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A thorough understanding of business needs and how IT’s strategic initiatives addresses those needs

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Review documented business context with IT team.
  • Finalized version of the business context
4.2 Discuss next steps for strategic CIO initiative execution.
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