Discover and Classify Your Data

Provide your data with the protection it deserves.

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Data handling procedures are outdated and don’t properly address the sensitivity of data. This means that:

  • Improved security
  • Greater efficiency
  • Increased knowledge of the data lifecycle

Improve overall security posture and minimize the organization’s profile against attackers by understanding the sensitivity of data. This can lead to:

  • Data accumulates without records of where or who has access to it.
  • You don’t know sensitivity of data and who should have access to it.

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Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

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Module 1: Formalize the Classification Program

The Purpose

  • A simple data classification scheme with formal documentation

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Increased insight into appropriate data handling, storage, and transmission

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Understand the benefits of data classification
1.2 Discuss legal, contractual, and regulatory obligations
1.3 Develop a Data Classification Steering Committee
  • Data Classification Steering Committee Charter
1.4 Determine the data classification scheme
1.5 Develop the Data Classification Policy
  • Data Classification Policy
1.6 Develop the Data Classification Standard
  • Data Classification Standard
1.7 Define the Data Classification RACI
  • Data Classification RACI

Module 2: Discover the Data

The Purpose

  • A plan to perform in-depth data discovery and a prioritization of classification

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Increased understanding of the importance of data discovery and classification
  • Managing the challenges associated with each

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Discuss the benefits and challenges of data discovery
2.2 Discuss the technology options for discovery and classification
2.3 Discuss the human-based approach to data discovery
2.4 Determine the appropriate discovery interview questions
  • Data Discovery Interview Tracking Tool
2.5 Conduct data discovery interviews (approximately two interviews)
  • Approximately two completed interviews

Module 3: Classify the Data

The Purpose

  • An organized classification inventory and insight into the location and level of protection needed for your data

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A system to classify data and track its lifecycle

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Continue conducting interviews (approximately two interviews) and aggregate preliminary results
  • Approximately two completed interviews
3.2 Classify the preliminary findings uncovered from interviews
3.3 Understand the results of the inventory tool
  • Data Classification Inventory Tool
3.4 Discuss next steps for optimizing the process

Module 4: Plan to Implement the Program

The Purpose

  • Assist with getting the program started for the organization

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Establishment of a data classification initiative

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Identify data metrics to track and report
  • Data Classification Metrics Tool
4.2 Develop awareness and training material
  • Data Classification Awareness and Training Material
4.3 Discuss next steps for continuing the data classification initiative
4.4 Debrief
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