Define and Deploy an Enterprise PMO

Transform your disconnected silos into an interdependent portfolio network.


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If your organization undertakes enterprise spanning project initiatives without an EPMO, you are at risk of:

  • Bad investments in projects that are misaligned with business goals.
  • Sub-optimal assignment of resources across the enterprise’s project activities.
  • Costly miscommunications between—and the unnecessary duplication of work across—individual departments and PMOs.

With a high-functioning EPMO you can attain:

  • Sound investments in projects that drive strategic goals.
  • A more complete view of all the work in progress in order to improve resourcing assignments and empower executive decision makers.
  • The elimination of the waste and inefficiencies incurred when individual silos operate in a vacuum.

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Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Gather Requirements

The Purpose

  • Identify breakdowns in the flow of portfolio data across the enterprise to pinpoint where and how an EPMO can best intervene.
  • Assess areas of strength and opportunity in your PPM capabilities to help structure and drive the EPMO.
  • Define stakeholder needs and expectations for the EPMO in order to cultivate capabilities and services that help drive informed and engaged project decisions at the executive level.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A current state picture of the triggers that are driving the need for an EPMO at your organization.
  • A current state understanding of the strengths you bring to the table in constructing an EPMO as well as the areas you need to focus on in building up your capabilities.
  • A target state set by stakeholder requirements and expectations, which will enable you to build out an implementation strategy that is aligned with the needs of the executive layer.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Map current enterprise PPM workflows.
  • An overview of the flow of portfolio data and information across the organization
1.2 Conduct a SWOT analysis.
  • An overview of current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
1.3 Identify resourcing considerations and other implementation factors.
  • A preliminary assessment of internal and external factors that could impact the success of this implementation
  • The ability to construct a project plan that is aligned with stakeholder needs and expectations
1.4 Survey stakeholders to establish the right mix of EPMO capabilities.

Module 2: Define the Plan

The Purpose

  • Define an appropriate scope for the EPMO and the deployment it services.
  • Devise a plan for engaging and including the appropriate stakeholders during the implementation phase.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A clear purview for the EPMO in relation to the wider enterprise in order to establish appropriate expectations for the EPMO’s services throughout the organization.
  • Engaged stakeholders who understand that they have a stake in the successful implementation of the EPMO.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Prepare your EPMO value proposition.
  • A clear statement of purpose and benefit that can be used to help build the case for an EPMO with stakeholders
2.2 Define the role and organizational reach of your EPPM capabilities.
  • A functional charter defining the scope of the EPMO and providing a statement of the services the EPMO will provide once established
2.3 Establish a communication plan to create stakeholder awareness.
  • An engaged executive layer that understands the value of the EPMO and helps drive its success

Module 3: Implement the Plan

The Purpose

  • Establish clearly defined and easy-to-follow EPMO processes that minimize project complexity.
  • Develop portfolio and project governance structures that feed the EPMO with the data decision makers require without overloading enterprise project teams with processes they can’t support.
  • Devise a communications strategy that helps achieve organizational buy-in.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • The reduction of project chaos and confusion throughout the organization.
  • Processes and governance requirements that work for both decision makers and project teams.
  • Organizational understanding of the universal benefit of the EPMO’s processes to stakeholders throughout the enterprise. 

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Establish EPMO roles and responsibilities.
  • Clear lines of portfolio accountability
3.2 Document standard procedures around enterprise portfolio reporting, PPM administration, and project leadership.
  • A fully actionable EPMO Standard Operating Procedure document that will enable process clarity
3.3 Review enterprise PPM solutions.
  • An informed understanding of the right PPM solution for your enterprise processes
  • A communications strategy document to help communicate the organizational benefits of the EPMO
3.4 Develop a stakeholder engagement and resistance plan.
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