Define a Release Management Process to Deliver Lasting Value

Use your releases to drive business value and enhance the benefits delivered by your move to Agile.


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Having moved to Agile and embraced DevOps and Testing Automation you are still not reaping the full benefits the organization expects for their investment.

  • You are still unable to release the new software that is being built in Agile fashion with speed and reliability, limiting the benefits of Agile.
  • You still have issues when a release is integrated into the fabric of the organization on deployment, causing conflicts in the relationships built by moving to DevOps.
  • You struggle to manage the scope and integration of multiple in-flight releases.

By enhancing your release management strategy, you can realize the full benefit of the work you have invested.

  • Create a release pipeline that is reliable and efficient and delivers with quality.
  • Deliver an ongoing stream of enhancements that fulfill the promise built into your roadmaps.
  • Turn releases from an ongoing risk to a non-event, delivering value to clients and users without risk of deployment issues.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Define the Current Situation

The Purpose

  • Document the existing release management process and current pain points and use this to define the future-state framework.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Gain an understanding of the current process to confirm potential areas of opportunity.
  • Understand current pain points so that we can build resolution into the new process.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Identify current pain points with your release management process. If appropriate, rank them in order of most to least disruptive.
  • Understanding of pain points, their root causes, and ranking.
1.2 Use the statement of quality and current pain points (in addition to other considerations) and outline the guiding principles for your application release management framework.
  • Built guiding principles for application release management framework.
1.3 Brainstorm a set of metrics that will be used to assess the success of your aspired-to application release management framework.
  • Created set of metrics to measure the effectiveness of the application release management framework.

Module 2: Define Standard Release Criteria

The Purpose

  • Build sample release criteria, release contents, and standards for how it will be integrated in production.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Define a map to what success will look like once a new process is defined.
  • Develop standards that the new process must meet to ensure benefits are realized.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Using an example of a product known to the team, list its criteria for release.
  • Completed Workbook example highlighting releasability.
2.2 Using an example of a product known to the team, develop a list of features and tasks that are directly and indirectly important for either a real or hypothetical upcoming release.
  • Completed Workbook example defining and detailing feature and task selection.
2.3 Using an example of product known to the team, map out the process for its integration into the release-approved code in production. For each step in the process, think about how it satisfies guiding principles, releasability and principles of continuous anything.
  • Completed Workbook example defining and detailing the integration step.

Module 3: Define Acceptance and Deployment Standards

The Purpose

  • Define criteria for the critical acceptance and deployment phases of the release.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Ensure that releases will meet or exceed expectations and meet user quality standards.
  • Ensure release standards for no / low risk deployments are recognized and implemented.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Using an example of product known to the team, map out the process for its acceptance. For each step in the process, think about how it satisfies guiding principles, releasability and principles of continuous anything.
  • Completed Workbook example defining and detailing the acceptance step.
3.2 Using an example of product known to the team, map out the process for its deployment. For each step in the process, think about how it satisfies guiding principles, releasability and principles of continuous anything.
  • Completed Workbook example defining and detailing the deployment step.

Module 4: Implement the Strategy

The Purpose

  • Define your future application release management process and the plan to make the required changes to implement.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Build a repeatable process that meets the standards defined in phases 2 and 3.
  • Ensure the pain points defined in Phase 1 are resolved.
  • Show how the new process will be implemented.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Develop a plan and roadmap to enhance the integration, acceptance, and deployment processes.
  • List of initiatives to reach the target state
  • Application release management implementation roadmap
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