Cut PCI Compliance and Audit Costs in Half

Seven steps to aggressively simplify and secure what really matters


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Failure to comply:

  • Increased risk such as data breaches, penalties for non-compliance, attacks on the overall brand of an organization if a situation like a data breach occurs.
  • Costs from a data breach, non-compliance – small businesses can go bankrupt from an attack.

Successful PCI simplification:

  • Reduced risk
  • Reduced costs by eliminating what your organization does not need – i.e. storing credit card information
  • Increased overall security

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Evaluate your current state and gap analysis

The Purpose

After completing this section, you will understand:

  • The goals you have established in relation to this project.
  • What’s a stake if you do not prioritize PCI compliance.
  • Your current state in relation to PCI and security policies and procedures.
  • The gaps that are preventing you from being successful at compliance.

Key Benefits Achieved

You will identify key opportunities within policy and procedural gaps to improve compliance practices.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Getting started and goal setting
  • PCI compliance goals
1.2 Evaluate your current state
  • Sneak Audit
1.3 Map 12 PCI core requirements to your current state
  • PCI Simplification Action Plan

Module 2: Determine Simplification Strategy & Communication Plan

The Purpose

After completing this section, you will understand:

  • The gaps that exist in relation to the 12 PCI requirements.
  • A prioritization plan on how to tackle the gaps.
  • How to effectively communicate PCI processes to stakeholders and employees.
  • How to document and maintain PCI related information in an Action Plan.

Key Benefits Achieved

Having completed this module, you will be able to:

  • Track gap remediation progress, and have a process in place to identify gaps on an annual basis.
  • Communicate any changes related to PCI to key players and obtain buy-in.
  • Train employees to effectively handle and manage transactions and PCI-related information.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Complete gap prioritization
  • PCI Simplification Strategy
2.2 Identify PCI simplification strategy
  • PCI Simplification Action Plan
2.3 Develop a PCI Simplification Launch Plan
  • Communication Plan
  • Training and awareness resources
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