Create an Architecture for AI

Build your target state architecture from predefined best-practice building blocks.


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The value AI can deliver directly correlates with the data it operates on, and as long as data is an afterthought, the results will disappoint:

  • AI projects get bogged down due to low data quality and lack of data integration.
  • Without a clear roadmap, most of the effort will be spent on repairing and not extending.
  • If your data is not ready for BI and analytics, it will certainly not be ready for AI.

A clear architecture helps you get value from your AI.

  • Deliver on the AI promise to the organization.
  • Fix problems before they cripple your AI projects.
  • Mature your data management practice.
  • Facilitate machine learning, the building of models, and the production deployment of such models to integrate them within business processes.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Answer “Where To?”

The Purpose

  • Define business use cases where AI may add value and assess use case readiness.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Know upfront if all required data resources are available in the required velocity, veracity, and variety to service the use case.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Review the business vision.
1.2 Identify and classify business use cases.
  • List of identified AI use cases
1.3 Assess company readiness for each use case.
  • Assessment of each use case
  • Data sources needed for each use case
1.4 Review architectural principles and download and install Archi.
  • Archi installed

Module 2: Define the Required Architecture Building Blocks

The Purpose

  • Define architecture building blocks that can be used across use cases and data pipeline.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • The architectural building blocks ensure reuse of resources and form the foundation of a stepwise rollout.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 ArchiMate modelling language overview.
2.2 Architecture building block overview
2.3 Identify architecture building blocks by use case.
  • A set of building blocks created in Archi
2.4 Define the target state architecture.
  • Defined target state architecture using architecture building blocks

Module 3: Assess the Current State Architecture

The Purpose

  • Assess your current state architecture in the areas identified by the target state.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Only evaluating the current state architecture that will influence your AI implementation.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Identify the current state capabilities as required by the target state.
  • Current state architecture documented in Archi
3.2 Assess your current state architecture.
  • Assessed current state using assessment tool
3.3 Define a roadmap and design implementation plateaus.
  • A roadmap defined using plateaus as milestones

Module 4: Bridge the Gap and Create the Roadmap

The Purpose

  • Assess your current state against the target state and create a plan to bridge the gaps.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Develop a roadmap that will deliver immediate results and ensure long-term durability.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Assess the gaps between current- and target-state capabilities.
  • Current to target state gap assessment
4.2 Brainstorm initiatives to address the gaps in capabilities
4.3 Define architecture delivery plateaus.
  • Architecture roadmap divided into plateaus
4.4 Define a roadmap with milestones.
4.5 Sponsor check-in.
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