Create a Right-Sized Enterprise Architecture Governance Framework

Focus on process standardization, repeatability, and sustainability.


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Operating without a successful enterprise architecture governance framework can result in:

  • Deployed solutions that do not meet business objectives, requiring expensive and extensive rework.
  • Each department acting independently without any regular EA touchpoints.
  • Organizations practicing project-level architecture as opposed to enterprise architecture.
  • EA governance being perceived as an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy because business benefits are poorly communicated.
  • Employees being unsure of EA’s roles and responsibilities.
  • Extensive project rework to meet architectural standards.

Operating with a successful enterprise architecture governance framework can result in:

  • Reduced IT operating costs.
  • Reduced IT integration costs.
  • Reduced IT development costs.
  • Increased regulatory compliance.
  • Increased IT alignment.
  • Faster time to business value.

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Module 1: Current State of EA governance (Pre-workshop)

The Purpose

  • Conduct stakeholder interviews to understand current state of EA practice and prioritize gaps for EA governance based on organizational complexity.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Prioritized list of actions to arrive at the target state based on the complexity of the organization

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Determine organizational complexity.
  • Organizational complexity score
1.2 Conduct an assessment of the EA governance components.
  • EA governance current state and prioritized list of EA governance component gaps
1.3 Identify and prioritize gaps.
1.4 Conduct senior management interviews.
  • Stakeholder perception of the EA practice

Module 2: EA Fundamentals and Engagement Model

The Purpose

  • Refine EA fundamentals to align the EA practice with the organization and identify EA touchpoints to provide guidance for projects.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Alignment of EA goals and objectives with the goals and objectives of the organization
  • Early involvement of EA in the IT operating model

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Review the output of the organizational complexity and EA assessment tools.
2.2 Craft the EA vision and mission.
  • EA vision and mission statement
2.3 Develop the EA principles.
  • EA principles
2.4 Identify the EA goals.
  • EA goals and measures
2.5 Identify EA engagement touchpoints within the IT operating model.
  • Identified EA engagement touchpoints and EA level of involvement

Module 3: EA Governing Bodies

The Purpose

  • Set up EA governing bodies to provide guidance and foster a collaborative environment by identifying the correct number of EA governing bodies, defining the game plan to initialize the governing bodies and creating an architecture review process.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Business benefits are maximized and solution design is within the options set forth by the architectural reference models while no additional layers of bureaucracy are introduced

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Identify the number of governing bodies.
  • Architecture board structure and coverage
3.2 Define the game plan to initialize the governing bodies.
3.3 Define the architecture review process.
  • Identified architecture review template

Module 4: EA Policy

The Purpose

  • Create an EA policy to provide a set of guidelines designed to direct and constrain the architecture actions of the organization in the pursuit of its goals in order to improve architecture compliance and drive business value.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Improved architecture compliance, which ties investments to business value and provides guidance to architecture practitioners

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Define the scope.
  • Defined scope
4.2 Identify the target audience.
4.3 Determine the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria for project review
4.4 Craft an assessment checklist.
  • Architecture assessment checklist

Module 5: Architectural Standards and Communication Plan

The Purpose

  • Define architecture standards to facilitate information exchange, improve collaboration, and provide stability.
  • Craft a communication plan to implement the new EA governance framework in order to maximize the chances of success.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Consistent development of architecture, increased information exchange between stakeholders
  • Improved process transparency
  • Improved stakeholder engagement

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Identify and standardize EA work products.
  • Identified set of EA work products to standardize
5.2 Classifying the architectural standards.
  • Architecture information taxonomy
5.3 Identifying the custodian of standards.
  • Identified set of custodian of standards
5.4 Update the standards.
  • Standard update process
5.5 List the changes identified in the EA governance initiative
  • List of EA governance initiatives
5.6 Create a communication plan.
  • Communication plan for EA governance initiatives
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