Consolidate IT Asset Management

Enterprise-wide decisions require a centralized view into enterprise-wide assets.


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Decentralized IT asset management can result in:

  • Lack of transparent, centralized view into assets across the organization to inform decision making.
  • Data stored in multiple tools, preventing data flow and integration.
  • Duplication of efforts across business units.
  • Lack of visibility into how, when, and where software licenses are being used across the enterprise, increasing risk and spend.
  • Penalties for unlicensed software during audits.

Consolidating IT asset management leads to:

  • Improved asset tracking and more reliable data to inform decision making, application rationalization, and software optimization.
  • Reduced security risk and compliance risk with improved preparation for audits.
  • Increased knowledge and information sharing across silos, and improved SLAs through more efficient processes.
  • Increased purchasing power through negotiating software licenses and contracts for the entire organization rather than individual departments.
  • Gained necessary data visibility to identify areas of cost savings and license optimization.

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Module 1: Gather Relevant Data

The Purpose

  • Interview stakeholders to assess needs and requirements.
  • Assess current ITAM practice and major assets in each location.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A comprehensive assessment of ITAM processes and policies as well as major software and hardware assets in each location.
  • Identification of needs, requirements, questions, and concerns of key stakeholders in each location to incorporate into the strategy.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Send ITAM Assessment Tool to each location to have them assess their ITAM process, policies, software, and hardware.
  • ITAM Assessment Tool
1.2 Interview stakeholders in each location to assess needs and requirements.
  • ITAM Stakeholder Interview Guide

Module 2: Initiate the Project

The Purpose

  • Identify and engage key stakeholders.
  • Develop a project charter to guide the initiative and ensure it will meet objectives.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identification of key stakeholders across the organization with a plan to engage them at every step of the consolidation.
  • Defined objectives, metrics, and project charter to guide and evaluate the consolidation.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Identify key stakeholders and develop an engagement plan.
2.2 Assemble project team and assign roles and responsibilities.
2.3 Define drivers, objectives, anticipated benefits, objectives, and metrics for project.
2.4 Complete a project charter to guide the consolidation.
  • ITAM Consolidation Project Charter
2.5 Review data collected from the Assessment Tool to ensure completeness and add to Scorecard Tool.
  • ITAM Assessment Tool
  • ITAM Assessment Scorecard Tool

Module 3: Assess Data and Requirements

The Purpose

  • Assess needs and requirements for the ITAM program and tool.
  • Compare the strength and weakness of ITAM processes and policies in each location.
  • Evaluate major software and hardware assets and contracts in each location.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identification of requirements in each location to ensure the consolidated ITAM program will meet needs and be adopted.
  • Identification of best practices and areas of weakness in each location to inform target state.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Review stakeholder interview results to evaluate needs in each location.
  • ITAM Stakeholder Interview Guide
3.2 Build a requirements list for an ITAM tool.
3.3 Use the Scorecard Tool to compare ITAM processes, policies, software, and hardware across locations.
  • ITAM Assessment Scorecard Tool
3.4 Identify best practices and areas of weakness.

Module 4: Design Consolidated ITAM Program

The Purpose

  • Use information gathered through assessments to review existing ITAM processes and policies, extend or consolidate where applicable, or design new processes.
  • Design the staffing of the ITAM office.
  • Assess tool requirements to create an ITAM tool shortlist.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identification of ITAM processes and policies to extend, consolidate, review, or define.
  • An SOP and policy templates to document ITAM processes.
  • ITAM job description templates and defined roles and responsibilities to staff the ITAM office.
  • An ITAM tool shortlist based on requirements.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Identify ITAM processes and policies to extend, review and revise, or create, and assign responsibility.
4.2 Define and document ITAM policies and procedures in SOP.
  • ITAM Policies
4.3 Develop ITAM staffing roles and responsibilities.
  • ITAM Job Descriptions
4.4 Develop an ITAM tool shortlist and RFP.
  • ITAM Vendor Shortlist Tool
  • ITAM Consolidation RFP Template

Module 5: Plan the Transition and Communications

The Purpose

  • Develop a consolidation plan with prioritized initiatives to reach the target state.
  • Develop a communications plan to get stakeholders on board with the change.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Clearly defined and prioritized initiatives and timeline to achieve the consolidation.
  • Detailed communications plan to communicate the change and gather feedback from all stakeholders.

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Build a plan to achieve the consolidation.
  • ITAM Consolidation Plan
5.2 Identify initiatives needed to reach target state and prioritize them in a roadmap.
5.3 Decide whether to hire professional services to assist with the consolidation.
  • RFP for Professional Services (if applicable)
5.4 Develop a communications plan.
  • ITAM Consolidation Project Communications Plan
5.5 Develop a plan for project evaluation, next steps, and continual improvement.
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