Build Your BizDevOps Playbook

Embrace a team sport culture built around continuous business-IT collaboration to deliver great products.


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Without a mutual understanding and focus, your BizDevOps implementation will likely:

  • Not support the organizational vision and objectives defined by your stakeholders.
  • Create more friction and expand siloes between business and IT and among IT teams.
  • Generate distrust between the decision makers and those delivering changes.

A carefully and thoughtfully developed playbook can:

  • Remove the industry noise surrounding BizDevOps so teams can focus on what is important.
  • Empower teams to adopt and tailor good practices that addresses their specific needs.
  • Build a collaborative and respectful delivery environment, considering the existing organizational culture, thinking, and behaviors.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Set Your Expectations

The Purpose

  • Discuss the goals of your BizDevOps playbook.
  • Identify the various perspectives who should be included in the BizDevOps discussion.
  • Level set expectations of your BizDevOps implementation.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identification of the key roles who should be included in the BizDevOps discussion.
  • Learning of key practices to support your BizDevOps vision and goals.
  • Your vision of BizDevOps in your organization.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Define BizDevOps.
  • Your BizDevOps definition
1.2 Understand your key stakeholders.
  • List of BizDevOps stakeholders
1.3 Define your objectives.
  • BizDevOps vision and objectives

Module 2: Set the Context

The Purpose

  • Understand the various methods to initiate the structuring of facilitated collaboration.
  • Share a common way of thinking and behaving with a set of principles.
  • Focus BizDevOps adoption on key areas of software product delivery.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A chosen collaboration method (Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban) to facilitate collaboration
  • A mutually understanding and beneficial set of guiding principles
  • Areas where BizDevOps will see the most benefit

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Select your foundation method.
  • Chosen collaboration model
2.2 Define your guiding principles.
  • List of guiding principles
2.3 Focus on the areas that matter.
  • High-level assessment of delivery practices and its fit for BizDevOps

Module 3: Tailor Your BizDevOps Playbook

The Purpose

  • Review the good practices within Info-Tech’s BizDevOps Playbook.
  • Tailor your playbook to reflect your circumstances.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Understanding of the key plays involved in product delivery
  • Product delivery plays that reflect the challenges and opportunities of your organization and support your BizDevOps vision

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Review and tailor the plays in your playbook
  • High-level discussion of key product delivery plays and its optimization to support BizDevOps
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