Build or Refresh the Wireless LAN

Right-size your WLAN to support your ever-evolving business needs.


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Failure to provide an up-to-date Wireless LAN can result in:

  • A disgruntled client base.
  • An inability to remain competitive and concurrent within your respective industry space.

Benefits of building or refreshing your Wireless LAN include:

  • Improved operational performance and streamlined operational infrastructure.
  • A satisfied customer base and positive reputation amongst customers.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Define Your Wireless LAN (WLAN)

The Purpose

  • In order to move the WLAN build or refresh forwards, it’s necessary to understand the base requirements from both a business and technical perspective.
  • Initial stage of developing a network outline. 

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Full assessment and analysis of the current WLAN situation within the organization.
  • Understanding of the business requirements driving the WLAN build or refresh.
  • Complete list of the technical requirements driving the WLAN build or refresh forwards. 

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Assess your current network challenges and project drivers.
  • Full assessment of current state of organization’s WLAN
1.2 Document your goals for the WLAN build or refresh.
  • Identification of strategic objectives
1.3 Assess your business context and requirements.
1.4 Assess your current state to decide whether to proceed with the WLAN build or refresh.
1.5 Determine your technical requirements.
  • Complete list of technical requirements to complement the business strategy for the WLAN build or refresh

Module 2: Build the Business Case

The Purpose

  • To obtain stakeholder buy-in for the WLAN build or refresh project.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • High-level project timeline surrounding the WLAN build or refresh.
  • Approximate cost for the WLAN build or refresh.
  • Collectively informed group of project stakeholders.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Put it all together; build the business case document.
  • Business Case

Module 3: Select Your WLAN Solution

The Purpose

  • Select a vendor based on technical qualifying factors, as well as its strategic fit with your organization.
  • Review the contract prior to signing in order to ensure a mutually beneficial partnership moving forwards.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Full assessment of the vendor marketplace and analysis of which vendor(s) fit best with your organization from a strategic perspective.
  • Final vendor selected for WLAN build or refresh.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Create your initial vendor shortlist.
  • RFP
3.2 Develop the RFP.
  • RFP Scoring Tool
3.3 Score the RFP.
  • Selection of a vendor

Module 4: Design the Network and Deployment Plan

The Purpose

  • This phase moves into the tactical aspect of the WLAN build or refresh project by working through the physical design of the network.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • During this phase, the project timeline is fully developed in order to further break down each of the individual WLAN activity tasks.
  • A physical outline and structure for the WLAN is developed.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Design your network.
  • Network design
  • Site survey (optional)
4.2 Estimate and mitigate downtime involved in the WLAN build or refresh.
  • Mitigation plan surrounding reduction of overall network downtime
4.3 Build your WLAN implementation timeline.
  • Wireless LAN Acceptable Use Policy
  • Wireless LAN Implementation Plan
  • Wireless LAN Task Monitoring Tool

Module 5: Implement and Measure Success

The Purpose

  • Analyze how successful the initial implementation of the WLAN has been.
  • Identify areas for improvement.
  • Initiate a plan for continuous improvement.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identification of areas of strength and areas of weakness with respect to the initial launch of the WLAN build or refresh.
  • Established process to ensure continuous improvement.
  • Set of standard performance metrics for WLAN monitoring purposes. 

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Assess coverage using heat maps.
5.2 Plan and initiate staffing role transitions to take place.
5.3 Develop a plan for ongoing monitoring of WLAN.
  • Plan for ongoing monitoring using pre-defined set of success metrics
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