Build IT Capabilities to Enable Digital Marketing Success

Are you ready to support marketing in a digital world with new technologies and IT skillsets?


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IT’s inability to support marketing results in:

  • Underperformance as marketing fails to promote a positive brand image and generate leads on digital channels.
  • Shadow IT emergence as marketing tries to enable themselves, but IT is left to deal with integration of incompatible systems.

IT’s complete ability to support marketing results in:

  • An optimized digital marketing strategy that yields high returns.
  • A strong and healthy relationship between IT and marketing.
  • An organizational view of IT as a highly competent strategic partner.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Identify Digital Marketing Opportunities

The Purpose

  • Determine the fit of each digital channel with your organizational goals.
  • Determine the fit of digital channels with your organizational structure and business model.
  • Compare the fit of digital channels with your organization’s current levels of use to:
    • Identify missed opportunities your organization should capitalize on.
    • Identify digital channels that your organization is wasting resources on.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • IT department achieves consensus around which opportunities need to be pursued.
  • Understanding that continuing to pursue excellent-fit digital channels that your organization is currently active on is a priority.
  • Identification of the channels that stopping activity on could free up resources for.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Define and prioritize organizational goals.
  • Prioritized list of organizational goals.
1.2 Assess digital channel fit with goals and organizational characteristics.
  • Assigned level of fit to digital channels.
1.3 Identify missed opportunities and wasted resources in your digital channel mix.
  • List of digital channels that represent missed opportunities or wasted resources.
1.4 Brainstorm creative ways to pursue untapped digital channels.
  • List of brainstormed ideas for pursuing digital channels.

Module 2: Identify Your Product-Specific Digital Marketing Landscape

The Purpose

  • Identify the digital channels that will be used for specific products and segments.
  • Identify the IT capabilities that must be built to enable digital channels.
  • Prioritize the list of IT capabilities.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • IT and marketing achieve consensus around which digital channels will be pursued for specific product-segment pairings.
  • Identification of the capabilities that IT must build.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Assess digital channel fit with specific products.
  • Documented channel fit with products.
2.2 Identify the digital usage patterns of target segments.
  • Documented channel usage by target segments.
2.3 Decide precisely which digital channels you will use to sell specific products to specific segments.
  • Listed digital channels that will be used for each product-segment pairing.
2.4 Identify and prioritize the IT capabilities that need to be built to succeed on each digital channel.
  • Listed and prioritized capabilities that must be built to enable success on necessary digital channels.

Module 3: Enable Digital Marketing Capabilities and Leverage Analytics

The Purpose

  • Identification of the best possible way to build IT capabilities for all channels.
  • Creation of a plan for leveraging transformational analytics to supercharge your digital marketing strategy.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • IT understanding of the costs and benefits of capability building options (people, process, and technology).
  • Information about how specific technology vendors could fit with your organization.
  • IT identification of opportunities to leverage transformational analytics in your organization.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Identify the gaps in your IT capabilities.
  • A list of IT capability gaps.
3.2 Evaluate options for building capabilities.
  • An action plan for capability building.
3.3 Identify opportunities for transformational analytics.
  • A plan for leveraging transformational analytics.
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