Build Effective Land Management Through GIS

Establish whether your tribe should implement or expand a geographic information system for the widest benefit across all tribal departments.


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An unplanned GIS program leads to:

  • Benefits limited to a single department
  • Precarious existence where leadership does not recognize its benefits

A well-planned GIS program results in:

  • Services that provide efficiencies across the tribe
  • A secure place within the tribal organization
  • Contribution to self-determination

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Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Assess and Define the Target Maturity

The Purpose

  • Identify and align with key internal stakeholders.
  • Review the maturity levels for the current state.
  • Review the target state criteria and goals.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Clear understanding of the current state of GIS.
  • Clear understanding of the criteria and processes to reach the proposed target state

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Perform the GIS maturity assessment
  • Assessed current state of the GIS
1.2 Facilitate a discussion and create consensus among the GIS and IT staff on where the organization should start
  • Consensus on the target state objective
1.3 Document your current and target states in the project proposal
  • Record of the current and target state assessment and decision

Module 2: Consider the Strategic Purpose

The Purpose

  • Review your current and target states and discuss possible goals for your land management project.
  • Discuss the values and activities of the tribe and align them with the goals of the GIS program.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Alignment of the GIS program with the tribe's values.
  • Alignment of the GIS program’s goals with the tribal activities.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Draft the mission and goals for your GIS program
  • Clear mission and goals for the GIS project
2.2 Document the mission statement in the project proposal
  • Documented purpose of the project

Module 3: Perform Benefits Analysis

The Purpose

  • Brainstorm the various benefits of GIS to the tribe.
  • Estimate the costs to reach your desired target state.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Estimated benefits and costs of implementing the GIS.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Analyze the preliminary GIS project financials
  • Preliminary estimates of cost and benefits of implementing the GIS program
3.2 Document the financials in the project proposal
  • Documented financial considerations

Module 4: Present a Project Proposal

The Purpose

  • Review the components of the project proposal with focus on the executive summary.
  • Discuss the risks associated with the project.
  • Discuss the strategy for presenting the project proposal.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A well-considered project proposal.
  • Support from leadership to continue with requirements gathering.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Complete the project proposal
  • Completed project proposal
4.2 Present your project proposal to leadership and gain support for a tribe-wide requirements gathering
  • Presentation to leadership

Module 5: Conduct Requirements Gathering

The Purpose

  • Review the objective of an information product.
  • Discuss the procedure of the requirements gathering.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Clear assessment of the tribe's needs for GIS.

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Organize and rehearse the requirements gathering
  • Confidence in conducting the requirements gathering
5.2 Schedule the attendance of the relevant departments
  • Preparation for the requirements gathering
5.3 Conduct the tribe-wide requirements gathering
  • Knowledge of what the tribe needs from GIS

Module 6: Describe the Information Products

The Purpose

  • Review the components of the Information Product Profile (IPP).
  • Discuss what the IPP can and cannot provide.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A clear method for designing the GIS use cases.

Activities: Outputs:
6.1 Contact each person requesting an information product
  • Ownership of each information product
6.2 Complete the summary and description sections of the IPP with each requesting individual
  • A clear description of each information product

Module 7: Consider the Data Requirements

The Purpose

  • Review the distinction between spatial and non-spatial data.
  • Discuss the plan of sourcing the required data.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Defined data requirements for the GIS program.

Activities: Outputs:
7.1 Complete the data requirements section of the IPPs
  • Defined data requirements
7.2 Estimate the costs of obtaining the data
  • Defined data costs
7.3 Enter the details on the data sets into the Requirements Inventory
  • List of data requirements

Module 8: Determine System Requirements

The Purpose

  • Review the scope of the blueprint on system requirements.
  • Discuss the processing requirements of the GIS.
  • Discuss the Requirements Inventory.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Defined system requirements.

Activities: Outputs:
8.1 Complete the system requirements section of the IPPs
  • Defined system requirements by information product
8.2 Conduct a system requirements gathering
  • Defined system requirements for the program

Module 9: Calculate an ROI

The Purpose

  • Review the costs and benefits of each information product.
  • Prioritize the information products according to cost, benefits, and strategic alignment.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Finalized project documented in a project proposal.

Activities: Outputs:
9.1 Update the ROI Calculator
  • Updated ROI for the program
9.2 Prepare the project proposal for funding
  • Project proposal ready for funding
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