Build Competitive Intelligence to Improve Sales Win Rates

Competitive intelligence (CI) leaders can best deliver CI-influenced sales wins by arming sellers with up-to-date battle cards, product alignment, and a budget that supports success.


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The inability to compete effectively results in stagnant sales growth, missed market and sales opportunities, challenges in attracting talent, partners, or future investors, and company and brand value depreciation.

  • Insufficient expertise and in-house training for competitive intelligence (CI)​.
  • Limited or no metrics to see ROI on the CI evaluation.​
  • Absence of methods and resources for handling competitive intelligence data​.

CI is a proven method to raise sales wins and gain funding for CI teams.

  • Increase the speed at which you evaluate competitors for sales opportunities and present sales with useful research. ​
  • Lay the foundation to implement a successful sales CI strategy with measurable results.​
  • Create targeted CI sales research and a measurable pilot project​.
  • Reducing the risk of selecting the wrong CI sales research and output to select the right competitors will help you scale sales and accelerate your growth​.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Build CI Team for Sales Engagement

The Purpose

Gain alignment, set goals, objectives, and timelines.

Key Benefits Achieved

CI team plan is defined and the project timelines are identified.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Identify team members, roles, and responsibilities.
  • Documented scope and priorities for sales CI research goals and objectives.
1.2 Establish timelines and project workflow.
  • Documented scope and priorities for sales CI research goals and objectives.
1.3 Document your current budget, resources, goals, and objectives against timelines and the CI sales strategy.
  • Documented scope and priorities for sales CI research goals and objectives.
1.4 Train on SR CI workbook and PowerPoint tools. Modify or add any missing requirements as needed.
  • Assessment of your competitive intelligence position using a guided approach to document your CI Sales research assets.
1.5 Modify customer win/loss questions.
  • Assessment of your competitive intelligence position using a guided approach to document your CI Sales research assets.

Module 2: Build CI Framework

The Purpose

Develop CI assets for sales and market analysis research tools.

Key Benefits Achieved

CI assets tools created and tested for information gathering and analysis.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Continue to Modify SR CI workbook templates to reflect your CI capabilities.
  • Identified and prioritized customer and competitor information for sale.
2.2 Identify top sales reps from the win/loss analysis to group interview them and gather customer contacts.
  • Identified and prioritized customer and competitor information for sale.
2.3 Finish modifying customer questions.
  • Identified and prioritized customer and competitor information for sale.
2.4 Establish CI criteria and battlecard attributes.
  • Identified and prioritized customer and competitor information for sale.

Module 3: Conduct CI Research and Customer Interviews

The Purpose

To understand what the market and customers say about you and your competitors’ company and products.

Key Benefits Achieved

Prefinal documents to test and confirm to meet CI sales needs.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Hold customer interviews and use CI workbook criteria as a research guide (over four weeks).
  • CI research assets to test sales battlecards with sales with proven facts and methods.
3.2 Hold review session after initial three to four interviews to adjust customer interview approach or CI criteria.
  • CI research assets to test sales battlecards with sales with proven facts and methods.

Module 4: Verify Data Sources are Accurate and Interview is Ready

The Purpose

Test, train, and measure CI findings with sales ready.

Key Benefits Achieved

Final preparations are completed.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Review and test draft CI battlecards with a few sales reps.
  • Completed and tested sales battlecards and other CI assets.
4.2 Finalize CI battlecards and plans for training and collaboration.
  • Completed and tested sales battlecards and other CI assets.
4.3 Finalize executive presentation for how the CI Team will be measured for success and future budget/resource requirements.
  • Build CI to Improve Sales Win Rates team presentation.
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