Build and Deliver an Optimized IT Update Presentation

Show IT’s value and relevance by dropping the technical jargon and speaking to the business in their terms.


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Without an effective and optimized IT update presentation:

  • IT continues to be viewed as a cost center, focused on keeping the lights on
  • The CIO is not seen as an integral part of the executive team and does not have a seat at the table
  • IT focuses on the wrong metrics
  • IT is not driving business value and not focusing on what is important to stakeholders

With an effective and optimized IT update presentation:

  • IT focuses on those key items that resonate with the business, achieving buy-in, demonstrating value, and fostering credibility
  • IT is viewed as an integral business partner
  • IT updates are effective and welcomed by the business
  • The business stakeholders trust IT and value their contribution
  • Stakeholders feel that IT is listening and speaking their language

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Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Scope, Goals, and Requirements

The Purpose

  • Determine the IT update’s scope and goals and identify stakeholder requirements

Key Benefits Achieved

  • IT update scope and goals
  • Business stakeholder goals and requirements

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Determine/validate the IT update scope
  • Documented IT update scope
1.2 Determine/validate the IT update goals
  • Documented IT update goals
1.3 Business context analysis
  • Validated business context
1.4 Determine stakeholder needs and expectations
  • Stakeholder requirements analysis
1.5 Confirm business goals and requirements
  • Confirmed business goals and requirements

Module 2: Validate Metrics With Business Needs

The Purpose

  • Analyze metrics and content and validate against business needs

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Selection of key metrics
  • Metrics and content validated to business needs

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Analyze current IT metrics
  • Identification of key metrics
2.2 Review industry best-practice metrics
  • Finalization of key metrics
2.3 Align metrics and content to business stakeholder needs
  • Metrics and content validated to business stakeholder needs

Module 3: Create an optimized IT update

The Purpose

  • Create an IT update presentation that is optimized to business needs

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Optimized IT update presentation

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Understand the audience and how to best engage them
  • Clarity on update audience
3.2 Determine how to present the pertinent data
  • Draft IT update presentation
3.3 IT update review with key business stakeholders
  • Business stakeholder feedback
3.4 Final edits and review of IT update presentation
  • Finalized IT update presentation
3.5 Pre-presentation checklist
  • Confirmation on IT update presentation readiness
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