Build an IT Strategy for Small Enterprises

Get in front of your workload with a right-sized and business-aligned IT strategy.


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Without an well-defined IT strategy:

  • Small enterprise IT organizations are stuck in firefighting mode and struggle to look past the short-term, operational level.
  • The business does not understand what IT is doing and relegates IT to a support function.

With a well-defined IT strategy:

  • There is a concrete, clear, and visual representation of IT’s direction, goals and initiatives.
  • All initiatives are communicated in terms of their related business capabilities, highlighting the business benefits and the shared risk for any initiatives that respectively fall within or beyond IT’s current capacity.

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Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Identify IT Implications

The Purpose

  • Conduct analysis and facilitate discussions to uncover what business needs mean for IT.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An understanding of what business needs mean for IT.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Review the business context.
1.2 Review links between business capabilities/business initiatives with business goals.
  • Links between business capabilities/business initiatives with business goals
1.3 Identify IT implications from the documented business context.
1.4 Group the IT implications into themes from seven perspectives.
  • Implications on IT from the business context

Module 2: Define the IT Target State

The Purpose

  • Define goals and target state maturity to get a sense of where IT needs to go. Clearly understand where IT needs to go by defining the target state IT capabilities.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identifies and documents, at a high level, IT’s target state. Additionally, the list of target state capabilities defines in more detail and clarity how the target state will look.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Define IT goals.
  • IT goals
2.2 Determine the IT goal alignment to business goals.
2.3 Indicate the target state IT maturity.
2.4 Identify target state IT capabilities required to achieve IT goals.
2.5 Consolidate target IT capability map.
  • Target state IT capabilities

Module 3: Assess the IT Current State

The Purpose

  • Gauge where the IT organization currently stands to get a baseline so that gaps can be identified between the current and target state.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Provides an assessment of the current state in terms of capabilities, planed initiatives, factors impacting IT, budget, and current state maturity.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Review diagnostic results.
3.2 Assess current IT capabilities.
  • Documented current IT capabilities and the gap to the target state
3.3 Conduct IT SWOT analysis.
  • IT SWOT analysis
3.4 Identify current state maturity.
3.5 Assess the gaps between current- and target-state capabilities.
  • Overall IT capabilities gap analysis

Module 4: Bridge the Gap and Create the Strategy

The Purpose

  • Identify the gaps between the current and target states and brainstorm initiatives to address the gaps. Set out next steps to reach IT strategy approval.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identify the projects needed to reach the target state from the current state.
  • Link how the projects support IT capabilities, IT goals, and the business context.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Map key current IT initiatives to IT and business goals.
  • Documented relationship between IT goals, capabilities, and initiatives.
4.2 Brainstorm initiatives to address the gaps in capabilities.
  • List of new initiatives to reach the target state
4.3 Create initiative profiles.
  • IT initiative profiles
4.4 Prioritize IT initiatives.
  • IT strategy prioritization matrix
4.5 Create roadmaps for key IT initiatives.
  • IT strategy roadmaps
4.6 Summarize the highlights of the IT strategy.
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