Build an ERP Strategy and Roadmap for Local Government

Align business and IT to successfully deliver on your ERP initiative.


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Not creating and implementing an ERP strategy and roadmap can lead to:

  • Misalignment of business priorities and ERP initiatives.
  • Overspending and underutilization with respect to the ERP environment.
  • Poor communication and stakeholder involvement.

Upfront strategic planning leads to: 

  • An ERP roadmap that connects business targets to actionable initiatives.
  • Prioritization of initiatives that align with business goals.
  • Clear communication of the ERP portfolio.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Introduction to ERP

The Purpose

To build understanding and alignment between business and IT on what an ERP is and the goals for the project.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Clear understanding of how the ERP supports the organizational goals.
  • What business processes the ERP will be supporting.
  • An initial understanding of the effort involved.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Introduction to ERP
1.2 Background.
1.3 Expectations and Goals.
1.4 Align Business Strategy.
1.5 ERP Vision and Guiding Principles.
1.6 ERP Strategy Model.
  • ERP Strategy Model
1.7 ERP Operating Model.
  • ERP Operating Model

Module 2: Build the ERP Operational Model

The Purpose

Generate an understanding of the business processes, challenges, and application portfolio currently supporting the organization.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An understanding of the application portfolio supporting the business.
  • Detailed understanding of the business operating processes and pain points.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Build Application Portfolio.
  • Application Portfolio
2.2 Map the level 1 ERP Processes Including Identifying Stakeholders, Pain Points, and Key Success Indicators.
  • Mega-processes with level 1 process lists
2.3 Discuss Process and Technology Maturity for Each Level 1 Process.

Module 3: Project Set-Up

The Purpose

A project of this size has multiple stakeholders and may have competing priorities. This section maps those stakeholders and identifies their possible conflicting priorities.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A prioritized list of ERP mega-processes based on process rigor and strategic importance.
  • An understanding of stakeholders and competing priorities.
  • Initial compilation of the risks the organization will face with the project to begin early mitigation.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 ERP Process Prioritization.
  • Prioritized ERP operating model
3.2 Stakeholder Mapping.
  • Stakeholder map
3.3 Competing Priorities Review.
  • Competing priorities list
3.4 Initial Risk Register Compilation.
  • Initial risk register
3.5 Workshop Retrosepective

Module 4: Roadmap and Presentation Review

The Purpose

Select a future state and build the initial roadmap to set expectations and accountabilities.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identification of the future state.
  • Initial roadmap with expectations on accountability and timelines.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Discuss Future State Options.
  • Future state options
4.2 Build Initial Roadmap.
  • Initiative roadmap
4.3 Review of Final Deliverable.
  • Draft final deliverable
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