Build a Cloud Security Strategy

Secure the cloud by considering its unique challenges.


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The lack of a good strategy for security in the cloud results in:

  • Inadequate visibility into the environment: how many SaaS products have staff bought without consulting IT?
  • A security plan designed for on-premises offerings only, and therefore, does not include considerations for the unique risks of the cloud.
  • A limited understanding of how traditional threats look different in the cloud.

A formalized cloud security strategy process, using Info-Tech’s methodology, results in:

  • Generation of a comprehensive cloud security strategy and roadmap that highlights how the different service models (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS) present different security challenges and offers resolutions to these challenges.
  • Tested and proven rationalization and prioritization methodologies, ensuring the strategy you generate is not only the one the organization needs, but the one the organization will support.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Define Your Approach

The Purpose

Define your unique approach to improving security in the cloud.

Key Benefits Achieved

An understanding of the organization’s requirements for cloud security.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Define your approach to cloud security.
  • Defined cloud security approach
1.2 Define your governance requirements.
  • Defined governance requirements
1.3 Define your cloud security management requirements.

Module 2: Respond to Cloud Security Challenges

The Purpose

Explore challenges posed by the cloud in various areas of security.

Key Benefits Achieved

An understanding of how the organization needs to evolve to combat the unique security challenges of the cloud.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Explore cloud asset management.
2.2 Explore cloud network security.
2.3 Explore cloud application security.
2.4 Explore log and event management.
2.5 Explore cloud incident response.
2.6 Explore cloud eDiscovery and forensics.
2.7 Explore cloud backup and recovery.
  • Understanding of cloud security strategy components (cont.).

Module 3: Build Cloud Security Roadmap

The Purpose

Identify initiatives to mitigate challenges posed by the cloud in various areas of security.

Key Benefits Achieved

A roadmap for improving security in the cloud.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Define tasks and initiatives.
3.2 Finalize your task list
  • Defined task list.
3.3 Consolidate gap closure actions into initiatives.
3.4 Finalize initiative list.
3.5 Conduct a cost-benefit analysis.
  • Cost-benefit analysis
3.6 Prioritize initiatives and construct a roadmap.
  • Roadmap
3.7 Create effort map.
  • Effort map
3.8 Assign initiative execution waves.
3.9 Finalize prioritization.
3.10 Incorporate initiatives into a roadmap.
3.11 Schedule initiatives.
  • Initiative schedule
3.12 Review your results.
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