Build a Chatbot Proof of Concept

Create value for your business with your chatbot implementation.


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Ignoring business goals before implementing a chatbot proof of concept will lead to:

  • A stock implementation that fails to meet business needs.
  • Low adoption of the new chatbot.
  • A low return on investment for the chatbot.
  • A lack of direction for chatbot improvement.

Putting business goals first with a chatbot proof of concept will lead to:

  • A customized implementation of a chatbot proof of concept.
  • A roadmap preceding vendor implementation and beyond the proof of concept.
  • A higher return on investment.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Build Your Strategy

The Purpose

  • Build your strategy.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Calculate your chatbot’s ROI to determine its success.
  • Organize your chatbot proof of concept (POC) metrics to keep the project on track.
  • Objectively choose chatbot ticket categories.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Customize your chatbot ROI calculator.
  • Chatbot ROI Calculator
1.2 Choose your proof of concept ticket categories.
  • Chatbot POC Implementation Roadmap
1.3 Design chatbot metrics to measure success.
  • Chatbot POC Metrics Tool

Module 2: Architect Your Chatbot

The Purpose

  • Architect your chatbot.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Design your integrations with business value in mind.
  • Begin building chatbot decision trees.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 List and map your chatbot integrations.
  • Chatbot Integration Map
2.2 Build your conversation tree library.
  • Chatbot Conversation Tree Library

Module 3: Architect Your Chatbot Conversations

The Purpose

  • Architect your chatbot conversations.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Detail your chatbot conversations in the decision trees.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Build your conversation tree library.
  • Chatbot Conversation Tree Library

Module 4: Continually Grow Your Chatbot

The Purpose

  • Continually grow your chatbot.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identify talent for chatbot support.
  • Create an implementation plan.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Outline the support responsibilities for your chatbot.
  • Chatbot POC RACI
4.2 Build a communication plan.
  • Chatbot POC Communication Plan
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