Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata

Properly store your digital assets today so you can find them fast tomorrow.


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The growing volume of digital assets makes it difficult to manage, curate, and tag these assets.

  • Creating and managing metadata is often done in an ad hoc manner in most organizations, without clear goals or knowledge around the topic.
  • The DAM system is often cluttered and unorganized. Gathering the correct requirements for your system and your digital asset librarian can be hard.
  • A lack of planning ahead, standardization, and the ability to adapt to changing needs and knowledge of the business all lead to ineffective management of your digital information.

Creating intuitive metadata for your DAM program will help you to increase findability of digital assets, reducing wasted time and costs.

  • Metadata needs to grow with the changing cultural and corporate vernacular and knowledge, and adapt to changing needs.
  • Creating an enterprise-wide standard for metadata and DAM will help users of digital assets to find what they need.
  • A structured metadata language that includes your cultural and corporate vernacular can help your organization find its digital assets quicker. Info-Tech’s methodology will make sure that the right people get the right information when they need it.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Structure the Metadata Project

The Purpose

  • Develop a foundation of knowledge regarding DAM and metadata, as well as the best practices for organizing the organization’s information and digital assets for ideal findability.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Design standardized processes for metadata creation and digital asset management to help to improve findability of key assets.
  • Gain knowledge of how DAM can benefit both IT and the business.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Build a DAM and metadata knowledge foundation.
1.2 Kick-start creation of the organization’s DAM design principles handbook.
  • DAM Design Principles Handbook
1.3 Interview key business units to understand drivers for the program.
  • DAM Execution Strategy Document
1.4 Develop a DAM framework.

Module 2: Assess Requirements for the DAM Program

The Purpose

  • Inventory the organization’s key digital assets and their repositories.
  • Gather the organization’s requirements for a full-time digital asset librarian, as well as the DAM system.  

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Determine clear and specific requirements for the organization from the DAM system and the people involved.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Conduct a digital asset inventory to identify key assets to include in DAM.
  • Digital Asset Inventory Tool
2.2 Prioritize digital assets to determine their risk and value to ensure appropriate support through the information lifecycle.
2.3 Determine the requirements of the business and IT for the DAM system and its metadata.
  • DAM Requirements Gathering Tool

Module 3: Design Roadmap and Plan Implementation

The Purpose

  • Determine strategic initiatives and create a roadmap outlining key steps required to get the organization to start enabling data-driven insights.
  • Determine timing of the initiatives. 

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Establish a clear direction for the DAM program.
  • Build a step-by-step outline of how to create effective metadata with true business-IT collaboration.
  • Have prioritized initiatives with dependencies mapped out.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Assess current and target states of DAM in the organization.
3.2 Brainstorm and document practical initiatives to close the gap.
  • DAM Roadmap Tool
3.3 Discuss strategies rooted in business requirements to execute the metadata management program to improve findability of digital assets.

Module 4: Establish Metadata Governance

The Purpose

  • Identify the roles required for effective DAM and metadata management.
  • Create sample metadata according to established guiding principles and implement a feedback method to create intuitive metadata in the organization. 

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Metadata management is an ongoing project. Implementing it requires user input and feedback, which governance will help to support.
  • By integrating metadata governance with larger information or data governance bodies, DAM and metadata management will gain sustainability. 

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Discuss and assign roles and responsibilities for initiatives identified in the roadmap.
  • DAM Execution Strategy
4.2 Review policy requirements for the information assets in the organization and strategies to address enforcement.
4.3 Integrate the governance of metadata into larger governance committees.
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