Automate Your Software Delivery Lifecycle

Optimize your SDLC to drive quality, throughput, and recover capacity.


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Without optimization and automation:

  • Software delivery is unable to match throughput expectations and consistent quality standards.
  • Maintenance of complex software systems becomes harder.
  • Lost resource time in no-value add activities, and less time available for learning new relevant skills.

An automated SDLC:

  • Ensures the software delivery process is optimized and has minimal wastage.
  • Provides delivery teams an ability to enhance their tools and processes to make them efficient.
  • Provides technical resources the bandwidth to learn about new technical concepts and ideas, which could result in better quality products and increased team satisfaction.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Conduct a Current State and Readiness Assessment

The Purpose

  • Conduct a current state and readiness assessment.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Stakeholder identification
  • Stakeholder pain points with SDLC
  • Root cause analysts for pain points
  • An assessment of current optimization state
  • Prioritization of SDLC stages

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Identify stakeholders
  • Stakeholders and their pain points
1.2 Highlight pain points with existing SDLC
1.3 Root cause analysis
  • Root cause of pain points
1.4 Assess SDLC optimization state
  • Assess SDLC current optimization state
1.5 Collect metrics and discuss their influence
  • Collect metric for prioritized SDLC stages
1.6 Prioritize SDLC stages

Module 2: Define Target States of SDLC Stages

The Purpose

Value map the SDLC stages and enhance the maps to include new tools and processes where needed.

Key Benefits Achieved

Target state SDLC with tools and techniques needed to optimize and automate it.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Analyze SDLC stages and develop a list of prioritized enhancements for its optimization.
  • For each SDLC stage determine metrics and opportunity canvases

Module 3: Create an Automation Journey

The Purpose

  • Bring all the assessments done so far to create a journey that leads your SDLC to automation.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Business proposal for buy-in
  • Training opportunities for technology teams
  • A prioritized roadmap to automation

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Define the organizational value of automation.
  • Business plan outline
3.2 Develop a roadmap for optimizing and automating your SDLC.
  • Roadmap
3.3 Identify training for technology teams that will assist in optimizing their outputs.
  • List of training for teams
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