Apply Strategic Foresight to Enable IT-Led Growth

Be the disruptor, not the disrupted.


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Applying strategic foresight will help you overcome the following challenges:

  • Rapid technological innovation that disrupts the organization’s business model and leaves little time to react.
  • Larger, less agile organizations struggling to reallocate resources sunk into existing operations to accommodate shifting priorities.
  • The need to establish a structured approach to innovation management that considers external trends as well as internal processes.
  • Showing the CEO how an investment in IT innovation results in revenue growth by identifying the right opportunities.

Strategic foresight will help you:

  • Become the disruptor, not the disrupted. Info-Tech’s methodology helps you plan proactively and identify opportunities early.
  • Effectively process the signals in your environment, build an understanding of relevant trends, and turn this understanding into action.
  • Be more proactive about technological innovation, and in doing so, become more competitive.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Pre-workshop – Gather Signals and Build a Repository

The Purpose

  • Gather relevant signals that will inform your organization about what is happening in the external competitive environment.

Note: this is preparation for the workshop and is not offered onsite.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A better understanding of the competitive landscape.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Gather relevant signals.
1.2 Store signals in a repository for quick and easy recall during the workshop.
  • A set of signal items ready for analysis

Module 2: Identify Trends and Uncover Drivers

The Purpose

  • Uncover trends in your environment and assess their potential impact.
  • Determine the causal forces behind relevant trends to inform strategic decisions.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An understanding of the underlying causal forces that are influencing a trend that is affecting your organization.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Cluster signals into trends.
2.2 Analyze trend impact and select a key trend.
  • A collection of relevant trends with a key trend selected
2.3 Perform causal analysis.
2.4 Select drivers.
  • A set of drivers influencing the key trend with primary drivers selected

Module 3: Build Scenarios and Ideate

The Purpose

  • Leverage your understanding of trends and drivers to build plausible scenarios and apply them as a canvas for ideation.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A set of potential responses or reactions to trends that are affecting your organization.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Build scenarios.
  • Four plausible scenarios for ideation purposes
3.2 Brainstorm potential strategic initiatives (ideation).
  • A potential strategic initiative that addresses each scenario

Module 4: Apply Wind Tunneling and Select Ideas

The Purpose

  • Assess the various ideas based on which are most likely to succeed in the face of uncertainty.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An idea that you have tested in terms of risk and uncertainty.
  • An idea that can be developed and pitched to the business or stored for later use. 

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Assign probabilities to scenarios.
4.2 Apply wind tunneling.
4.3 Select ideas.
4.4 Discuss next steps and prototyping.
  • A strategic initiative (idea) that is ready to move into prototyping
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