Align Infrastructure Architecture to Business Value

Take a service-based approach to integrate infrastructure into business conversations.


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An infrastructure system that is designed reactively with an ad hoc approach inherently exhibits many flaws:

  • Frequent capacity-related incidents.
  • A high number of outages and low availability of services.
  • High costs of operating and maintaining existing infrastructure technology.

Infrastructure architecture enables improvements at the operational, tactical, and strategic level, including:

  • Reduced incidents and increased availability.
  • Increased agility and flexibility.
  • Improved simplicity and decreased level of supported needed.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Review Corporate Strategy

The Purpose

Review and define corporate strategy.

Key Benefits Achieved

Defined corporate strategy.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Review strategic planning documents.
1.2 Understand the strategy that drives your infrastructure architecture.
1.3 Conduct stakeholder interviews to gather additional information on corporate strategy that is not in existing strategy documents.
  • Defined corporate strategy

Module 2: Identify Services Impacted by Business Strategy

The Purpose

Identify services impacted by the corporate strategy.

Key Benefits Achieved

Understand the current business situation and identify the top three to five business directives.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Document your scenarios based on business goals and objectives.
2.2 Prioritize your high-value business scenarios.
2.3 Map out your core services from model scenarios created from business goals and strategy.
  • Understanding of the current business situation and the top 3-5 business directives

Module 3: Assess Gaps in Your Infrastructure Capabilities

The Purpose

  • Measure and assess gaps in your current infrastructure capabilities.
  • Match gaps to appropriate solutions.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An assessment of the current core services' performance
  • Common solutions for deficiencies

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Measure the current performance of core services and establish the target state.
3.2 Define quality expectations for core services to set a foundation for benchmarking.
3.3 Measure the performance of your current core services and compare against expected quality attributes in a three-step approach.
  • Assessment of the current core services' performance

Module 4: Match Gaps with Solution Options

The Purpose

Visually identify sources of deficiency and breakdown.

Key Benefits Achieved

A map of the infrastructure structure

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Start the structural heat map with the end user and reverse engineer the design.
4.2 Identify sources of deficiency by diving deeper into the current infrastructure landscape.
  • End-to-end map of the infrastructure structure
4.3 Perform a root-cause analysis of three major gaps in performance. Match solution options to address gaps.
  • Solution options to infrastructure deficiencies
4.4 Prioritize and communicate initiatives.
  • A communication plan to obtain buy-in for prioritized initiatives from leadership
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