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Comprehensive software reviews to make better IT decisions Wins Innovation Sandbox Contest at RSA Conference was among the top 10 finalists participating in the Innovation Sandbox Contest. Its artificial intelligence (AI) PrivacyOps solution propelled it to take the top prize in the “Most Innovative Startup” category.

Each contestant was given three minutes to present a product pitch, which was judged by a panel consisting of representatives across the security industry.

AI-powered helps organizations automate the improvement of privacy compliance while balancing user access to their personal data.

Our Take

The recognition of an AI-powered security platform as an innovation leader brings AI automation and augmentation to the forefront of security, privacy, compliance, and data access. Info-Tech has seen an uptake in the adoption of AI in all software categories, and so it is unsurprising to see security leveraging AI’s benefits in a meaningful way. See Info-Tech’s 2020 Security Priorities Report to learn more about the benefits of cloud-native security tools that leverage AI and machine learning capabilities.

Want to Know More?

Info-Tech's Security Research

2020 Security Priorities Report

Info-Tech's Governance, Risk & Compliance Research

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