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Quantivate Adds Help Text and Quick Links to Improve Usability

Quantivate’s new GUI modernizes the interface, but more importantly adds features that improve consistency and usability. Enhancements include:

  • Help Text: Administrators can provide customized instructions and additional explanations to promote consistent, accurate plan development. The feature works much like tool tips. Click a More Info button under a section title to display the additional instructions.

  • Custom Quick Links: Add custom links to any dashboard for quicker access to functions you commonly use. You can also link to external resources.

  • Overall GUI Modernization: This includes an improved menu structure to make it easier to access common functions, a streamlined layout, and full-screen charts or tables.

Our Take

The BCM market is very mature with many vendors offering similar features. Product selection can come down to usability and price. Usability has already improved significantly for many solutions, and vendors are now working to modernize their interfaces to provide even greater usability.

The key additions in Quantivate’s new GUI are the features such as Help Text and Custom Quick Links which go beyond look-and-feel to provide functions that can directly improve usability.

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SoftwareReviews: Business Continuity Management and Planning Software

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