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Enterprise Backup and Availability Market Trends and Buyer’s Guide

Backup has grown up to go beyond onsite to cloud and beyond simple backup of primary data to availability and data management.

  • Data backup and data protection are boring background functions that only become interesting when they fail. Too often, to paraphrase the apocryphal Chinese curse, we live in interesting times.
  • As data grows exponentially backup time is exceeding the time window available for it to happen.
  • The cloud beckons. As organizations look to make greater use of cloud technologies interest grows in using cloud as a backup target. But what about backing up the cloud itself?

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • The fundamentals remain even as the technologies evolve. The “3-2-1” Rule still stands but secondary copy may now be on flash memory instead of tape drives and the tertiary copy may be in the cloud rather than an off-site facility.
  • Replication is not backup but is critical for data protection and business continuity. Backup is a secondary copy of primary data but replicated primary data is your first line of defense. Backup software vendors are increasingly involved in “availability” technologies in addition to traditional backup.
  • It’s about the data management. Efficient backup and availability is impossible if the data is not differentiated and managed. For everything from differential value and criticality of data (for RTO and RPO) to legal compliance requirements (think GDPR) the data needs to be understood more deeply than a bucket of undifferentiated bits.
  • The cloud is increasingly a source rather than a target. As more data and services move to the cloud, cloud backup will increasingly not be about backup to the cloud but, rather, backup of the cloud.

Impact and Result

  • Start with your own architectural vision and build out your requirements. Construct a vision of what your future availability and backup architecture should include. Use Info-Tech’s Backup Software RFP Template to document the resulting requirements.
  • Challenge your current backup software provider, or a provider you’re thinking of moving to, to show what their specific capabilities are in this area. This should include released features and imminent roadmap features.
  • Consider your overall storage roadmap. HCI secondary storage is a best fit where the organization is moving to HCI for primary storage.

Enterprise Backup and Availability Market Trends and Buyer’s Guide Research & Tools

1. Understand developments and trends in enterprise backup and availability

Look to selecting solutions that address the trends important to you.

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John Sloan

Search Code: 86854
Last Revised: October 18, 2018

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