Info-Tech in the News

thumbnail for CBC News Online - Final Nortel patents up for auction
Jun 27, 2011

CBC News Online - Final Nortel patents up for auction

(27-Jun-11) The last of Nortel's assets — patents for Internet search, mobile video and wireless networks that can be used in consumer technology — go up for auction Monday, ending an era for the bankrupt Canadian telecom company. Internet search engine giant Google has started the bidding at ...

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thumbnail for The Globe and Mail - Five reasons to buy a PlayBook - and two reasons not to
Jun 03, 2011

The Globe and Mail - Five reasons to buy a PlayBook - and two reasons not to

(3-Jun-11) With its new PlayBook, Waterloo, Ont.-based Research In Motion Ltd. seeks a stake in the exploding tablet market. It faces an uphill battle, though, particularly against the Apple iPad, which is already in its second generation and owns a massive chunk of the tablet market. But BlackBe...

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thumbnail for CRM Magazine - Geolocation: Advertising's Future or 1984 Revisited?
Jun 01, 2011

CRM Magazine - Geolocation: Advertising's Future or 1984 Revisited?

(01-Jun-11) Airstrip One, Oceania, the setting of George Orwell’s science fiction novel 1984, was once considered unrealistic and even ridiculous. Constant war plagued the imaginary province, and the government manipulated its citizens with mind control tactics and public surveillance. In fact, p...

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thumbnail for - More manufacturers turning to Microsoft SharePoint collaboration
May 17, 2011 - More manufacturers turning to Microsoft SharePoint collaboration

(17-May-11) For Tom Gill, information technology has enabled the steady growth and globalization of Plantronics Inc., the Santa Cruz, Calif.-based headset manufacturer where he works as CIO and vice president of IT. Over the past decade, Microsoft SharePoint collaboration has played an increasing...

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thumbnail for The Globe and Mail - What's a QR Code? Consumers still aren't sure
Apr 13, 2011

The Globe and Mail - What's a QR Code? Consumers still aren't sure

The smartphone has taken the old-fashioned barcode to a new level. You may have seen them, even if you didn't know what they were. These new “quick response codes” look more like weird postage stamps, full of maze-like squares and lines. Once they're scanned or a picture is taken of them wi...

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thumbnail for Profit Magazine - Sew up your tech strategy
Apr 12, 2011

Profit Magazine - Sew up your tech strategy

Few firms can get by these days without good information and communications technology (ICT). Thankfully, much of today’s tech is perfectly tailored to the needs of small and mid-sized enterprises; there are software programs, apps and communications platforms designed to improve the efficiency o...

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thumbnail for MacLeans Magazine - The mighty Amazon
Apr 07, 2011

MacLeans Magazine - The mighty Amazon

(07-Apr-11) In the world of technology, there’s hardly anything as dangerous as missing the boat on the next big thing. Take Microsoft and Nokia. The two behemoths dominated the high-tech universe in the 1990s, but only two months ago they were dubbed “two unpopular kids in high school with rich ...

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thumbnail for Globe and Mail - Macs steal bigger bites of the business PC market
Apr 06, 2011

Globe and Mail - Macs steal bigger bites of the business PC market

(6-Apr-11) After years as a bit player in the business computer market, Apple Inc.’s success with consumer products – particularly its iPhone and iPad tablet – is pushing the Cupertino, Calif., company’s Macintosh computer line through more businesses’ doors. But it’s a slow process, thanks t...

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thumbnail for CIO Magazine - Public Cloud Vs. Private Cloud: Why Not Both?
Apr 03, 2011

CIO Magazine - Public Cloud Vs. Private Cloud: Why Not Both?

(3-Apr-11) As cloud computing moves from hype to reality, certain broad trends and best practices are emerging when it comes to the public cloud vs. private cloud deployment debate. Anecdotally and from surveys, it's becoming clear that most enterprises are first looking to the private cloud ...

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