Business Capability Evaluation Matrix Template

A business capability is an abstraction that helps describe what the enterprise does to achieve its vision, mission, and goals. A business capability can be further...

EA Capability Metric Definition Tool

After interviewing business stakeholders and identifying high priority capabilities and initiatives, record the definitions of the gathered metrics from the Metrics...

What are some advantages and disadvantages if I am currently considering Application Development Outsourcing?

The advantages and disadvantages of application development outsourcing.

Metrics Evaluation Matrix Template

Gather metrics from three sources (business imperatives, high priority business capabilities, high priority initiatives) and insert them into the Metrics Evaluation...

Value Measure List

During interviews with business stakeholders, while identifying high priority capabilities and initiatives, gather value measures and input them into the Value Measure List.

Scenario Template

Vendor demonstrations will prove that vendors can deliver on their promises. Provide vendors with a specific, straightforward explanation of what they must show during...

Effective Licensing Position Tool

This template will help you create an effective licensing position and determine your compliance position.

IT Integration Roadmap Tool

Use the IT Integration Roadmap Tool to track key elements during the M&A discovery, integration planning, and execution phases.

Beware of Free Software Licensing Help From Software Vendors

Software vendors’ offers of licensing help or free SAM engagements may not be what they seem to be. Responding immediately out of fear or haste, without adequate...

Vendor Management Case Study of a Mid-Sized Electric Utility

A 13-person IT department in a small, regional, non-profit electric generation and transportation utility located in the eastern US managed over 50 vendors. While no...
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