Vendor Recommendation Presentation

Use the Vendor Recommendation Presentation to present your finalist and obtain final approval to negotiate and execute any agreements.

Key Considerations When Renewing Your Microsoft Enterprise Agreement

Given that the cost involved with an EA is significant, organizations need to carefully evaluate their options prior to renewal time so that they make the right decision....

Don’t Let IBM’s Licensing Rules Squander Virtualization ROI

Organizations that have deployed IBM software in a virtualized infrastructure setting must comply with a variety of complex licensing rules, the most important of which...

Proactively Identify and Mitigate Vendor Risk – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help your organization achieve vendor risk readiness by following Info-Tech's methodology.

Proactively Identify and Mitigate Vendor Risk – Phase 1: Review Vendor Risk Fundamentals and Establish Governance

This phase of the blueprint, Proactively Identify and Mitigate Vendor Risk, will help you understand vendor risk fundamentals and establish a risk governance framework.

Vendor Communication Management Plan

Most SaaS purchases involve a broad range of stakeholders -- create and implement a plan to ensure effective communication throughout the negotiation process.

Vendor Classification Model Tool

Use this tool to classify vendors.

Vendor Risk Management Maturity Assessment Tool

The Vendor Risk Management Maturity Assessment Tool helps determine where your current risk management strategies are on a scale of ad hoc to optimized.

Proactively Identify and Mitigate Vendor Risk

CIOs are faced with increasing pressure to successfully deliver IT projects that meet business needs on time and within budget while depending on many new and unproven...
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Capture and Market the ROI of Your VMO

Calculating the impact or value of a vendor management office (VMO) can be difficult without the right framework and tools. In addition to quantifying the VMO’s...
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