Vendor Management - Templates & Policies

RFP Evaluation Tool

Use this tool to collect and record the evaluation team's scores for each vendor's response to your Enhanced RFI.

Lean RFP Template

Use this template to create your Enhanced Request for Information baseline template. Be sure to modify and configure the template to your organization’s specifications.

IT Category Plan Review Presentation

Use this tool to review the IT category plan with your stakeholders and to report the ROI of current accomplishments.

Software M&S Cancellation Decision Guide

Use this tool to provide guidance and validation when you consider cancelling a vendor's M&S.

RFP Evaluation Guidebook

Use the Evaluation Guidebook to provide oversight and direction to your evaluation team on the governance of evaluating the vendors' proposals.

Contract Playbook

Use this template to create a framework of preferred terms and conditions and acceptable alternate language.

Risk Event Action Plan

Integrate IT risk management with business risk management by creating a paper trail for key risks.

Risk Report

Create a succinct, impactful document that summarizes the outcomes from the risk assessment and highlights the IT risk council’s top recommendations to the senior...

Scenario Template

Vendor demonstrations will prove that vendors can deliver on their promises. Provide vendors with a specific, straightforward explanation of what they must show during...

Metrics Evaluation Matrix Template

Gather metrics from three sources (business imperatives, high priority business capabilities, high priority initiatives) and insert them into the Metrics Evaluation...
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