Strategy - Storyboard

Capture and Market the ROI of the VMO – Phase 3: Measure and Monitor Results

This phase of the blueprint, Capture and Market the ROI of the VMO, will help you measure the VMO's ROI and value created for the measurement period.

Jump Start Your Vendor Management Initiative – Phase 2: Build

This phase leads you through the build process to create the tools and templates necessary to run your vendor management initiative.

Capture and Market the ROI of the VMO – Phase 1: Get Organized

This phase of the blueprint, Capture and Market the ROI of the VMO, will help you get organized by establishing your ROI measurement categories and data sources for your...

Capture and Market the ROI of the VMO – Phases 1-4

Calculating the impact or value of a vendor management office can be difficult without the right framework and tools. They must be conveyed internally so that other...

Master the MSA for Your Managed Services Providers – Storyboard

This storyboard will help you negotiate an agreement with managed services providers that will meet business and IT needs.

Proactively Identify and Mitigate Vendor Risk – Phase 3: Monitor, Communicate, and Improve IT Vendor Risk Process

This phase of the blueprint, Proactively Identify and Mitigate Vendor Risk, will help you communicate the results to management, assign accountability and...

Proactively Identify and Mitigate Vendor Risk – Phase 2: Assess Vendor Risk and Define Your Response Strategy

This phase of the blueprint, Proactively Identify and Mitigate Vendor Risk, will help you categorize, prioritize, and assess your vendor risks, followed by selecting...

Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A – Phase 4: Integration Execution

This phase of the blueprint, Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A, will examine the steps to be taken from the end of the planning state to prioritizing...

Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A – Phase 2: Due Diligence

This phase of the blueprint, Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A, will examine the due diligence process and necessary structure that is required to assess...

Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A – Phase 1: M&A Overview

This phase of the blueprint, Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A, will examine the critical importance of licensing contracts and software assets during an...
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