Team Leadership & Management

Build a Strategic Workforce Plan – Phase 3: Build and Monitor the SWP

The effort you put in place to fill workforce gaps needs to be appropriate for the benefits you hope to achieve. Fiercely prioritize your initiatives and ensure the...

Implement a New IT Organizational Structure – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand the importance of effectively managing organizational design changes.

Implement a New IT Organizational Structure – Phases 1-3

IT leaders often lack the experience and time to effectively execute on organizational changes. Info-Tech’s organizational design implementation program will provide you...

The First 100 Days As CIO – Presentation Deck

Work with your executive advisor in The First 100 Days As CIO concierge service to complete this presentation deck that communicates your plan for your first three months...

Organizational Catalog

Use this catalog to record critical data points about your key stakeholders and to manage their interests and expectations of the IT organization.

Improve IT Team Effectiveness

Organizations rely on team-based work arrangements to provide organizational benefits and to help them better navigate the VUCA operating environment. A high-performing...
  • guided implementation icon

Improve IT Team Effectiveness Storyboard – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help team leaders and coaches to assess team effectiveness and improve performance.

Improve IT Team Effectiveness Facilitation Guide

A guide with instructions on how to facilitate different activities to determine how the team can increase their effectiveness.

IT Team Charter Template

A Team Charter captures the agreement of team behaviors and ways of working together

Recruit and Retain More Women in IT – Phases 1-2

Understand why it is critical to take a targeted approach to recruiting and retaining top women in IT. Learn straightforward tactics to optimize your recruitment and...
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