Organization Design

Implement a New IT Organizational Structure – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand the importance of effectively managing organizational design changes.

Implement a New IT Organizational Structure – Phases 1-3

IT leaders often lack the experience and time to effectively execute on organizational changes. Info-Tech’s organizational design implementation program will provide you...

Design Your IT Organization for the Future – Phases 1-4

This storyboard is a step-by-step guide on how to design the right IT organizational structure to ensure objectives are always achieved.

CIO Business Vision Discussion Guide

Use this template in conjunction with the CIO Business Vision Communication Deck to present the results of your CIO Business Vision survey to business leaders.

Implement a New Organizational Structure – Phase 1: Build a Change Communication Strategy

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a New Organizational Structure, will help you launch your organizational design change project and recruit your implementation team.

Organizational Design Implementation FAQ

Use this template as a starting point for building an organizational design implementation FAQ. Add additional questions through the implementation process and use it as...

Organizational Design Implementation Kick-Off Presentation

Use this template to define a specific process for managing security incidents and reducing their effects on the organization.

Implement a New Organizational Structure – Phase 2: Build the Organizational Transition Plan

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a New Organizational Structure, will help you develop a holistic plan of your organizational change.

Implement a New Organizational Structure – Phase 3: Lead Staff Through the Reorganization

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a New Organizational Structure, will help you transition your employees to their new roles through manager training and transition...

Organizational Design Implementation Manager Training Guide

Use this presentation template to conduct a workshop with your managers to train them on leading their staff through the reorganization.
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