Small Enterprise Resources

BCP Recovery Workflow Example

Use this example BCP recovery workflow to support your own planning efforts.

Application Portfolio Management Foundations – Phases 1-4

Application Portfolio Management Foundations establishes your core application inventory, simplified rationalization, redundancy comparison, and modernization roadmap in...

Build an IT Strategy for Small Enterprises – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand the benefits of creating an IT strategy for small enterprises and how Info-Tech's methodology can assist you.

Build an Information Security Strategy for Small Enterprises – Phases 1-4

Use this storyboard to build or update a small enterprise business-aligned, risk-aware, and holistic information security strategy that prioritizes program initiatives...

Build an Information Security Strategy for Small Enterprises

Build a business-aligned, risk-aware, holistic security strategy that is suited for your small enterprise: gather business requirements to prioritize improvements; assess...
  • guided implementation icon

Case Study: Practical, Right-Sized BCP

​Use this example to understand the governance and incident response components of a BCP, and to provide a model to follow for your BCP project.

Capacity Plan Template

Customize this template for a ready-to-use capacity management plan.

BCP Notification, Assessment, and Disaster Declaration Plan

Create a process for notification, damage assessment, and disaster declaration procedures that integrate with your business continuity and crisis management plans.

BCP Summary

Summarize your organization's continuity capabilities and objectives in one easy-to-consume document.

Develop and Document a Disaster Recovery Plan for the Small Enterprise – Phase 3: Determine Recovery Workflow and Gaps

This research provides your small enterprise environment with the tool set to break down the complex, often overwhelming task of designing a DRP.
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