Security - Blueprints

2020 Security Priorities Report

Use this deck to learn what projects security practitioners are prioritizing for 2020.
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Demonstrate Data Protection by Design for IT Systems

Privacy is now considered an integral part of information security. In fact, consumers often want more than a company’s word that their data is secure; they want to see...
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Develop a Security Awareness and Training Program That Empowers End Users

Cyberattackers target your end users, who remain today’s weakest link in organizational security. Design and deliver an effective and up-to-date training program to...
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Satisfy Customer Requirements for Information Security

Your customers and potential customers are increasingly demanding assurance that you will meet their information security requirements. Discover best practices for...
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Comply With the California Consumer Privacy Act

This project covers the major commonalities of GDPR and CCPA.
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Ensure Cloud Security in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS Environments

This blueprint will comprehensively evaluate your hosted cloud risk profile to determine what unique security controls your organization requires to secure its cloud...
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Reduce and Manage Your Organization’s Insider Threat Risk

The hard digital wall has crumbled. The focus of organizations has been to protect themselves from the outside, but they equally need to assess and protect themselves...
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Debunk Machine Learning Endpoint Security Solutions

Traditional legacy anti-virus solutions are unable to keep up with the sheer volume of new and sophisticated endpoint attacks. As a potential solution to combat this...
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Combine Security Risk Management Components Into One Program

IT departments are tasked with implementing new projects, but are often unsure how to assess the risk. Often, they use informal discussions that do not allow the business...
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Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline

Transcend traditional application security approaches and embrace the agile mindset to shift security left. Use innovation and automation to secure the DevOps pipeline...
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