Project & Portfolio Management - Tools

Benefits Realization Assessment Tool

Use this tool to to connect with project sponsors to perform an analysis of the organizations current benefits delivery process.

PPM Solution Success Metrics Workbook

Use this tool to record core goals to be achieved through the new PPM solution and how attainment of these goals will be measured. It will also allow you to record the...

PPM Solution Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool

Use this tool to determine which Info-Tech PPM Vendor Landscape use case is the most appropriate for your organization based on factors such as size and PPM maturity.

Business Case Change Log

This tool will help you document changes to the initiative that are likely to impact the business case and require the reforecasting of benefits and financial indicators.

Project Management Process Implementation Timeline Tool

Use this tool to plan and manage the timeline for the rollout of your new project management processes.

Portfolio Management Improvement Roadmap Tool

Use this template to record the prioritized high-level roadmap for better defining portfolio criteria and for optimizing portfolio processes so that such criteria can be...

Portfolio Manager Lite 2017

Use this workbook as a model for your homegrown resource management solution, which can also serve as a PPM solution. This is a lightweight version of Info-Tech's...

T-Shirt Sizing Health Check Lite

Use this tool to evaluate your estimation capabilities if you lack access to a comprehensive project history. Estimate the health of past estimates to start new projects...

Project Program Organizer

This tool should be used to organize and access your current projects and initiatives, align them to strategic IT goals and group them into programs.

Frontline Manager Coaching Plan Workbook

Use this purpose-built organizational change management workbook to help engage your frontline managers in the change management process and prepare them for success.
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