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Huawei, Part 2

Last week, we offered the first part of a detailed look at what may be the most important company in the world - not solely because of its strategic positioning in core...

Defining Perfection in Human/Computer Interaction or Why I Sold My Apple Stock

In a number of issues in the last few months, I have suggested that Apple would be a Sell. I thought (and still think) that the stock would continue to rise for up to two...

Chinese Banks: An Economic Fantasy?

The economic rise of China is the most important financial event in this century. What if it, like so many other Chinese products, is counterfeit?

Reduce Email Volume

Treat email like a painkiller. It is incredibly valuable for some things but its abuse is deadly. Enterprises need to intervene and save their workers and bottom line.

Backup and Recovery Policy Template

Info-Tech's Security Policy templates allow you to easily develop new policy documents.

Data Change Communication Plan Template

The Data Change Communication Plan will help ensure stakeholders are aware of the data changes happening, how it will affect them, and when it will occur. The...

Service Desk Maturity Assessment

The tool is designed to identify the gaps in your organization’s service desk operation. The assessment includes metrics, processes, and technology.

The Big Shift

The world economy, based in the post-Information Age on invention, is moving to models based on copying and theft. This is happening not in single product lines or...

Communications Planning Template

A template for planning your communications with stakeholders.

Deliver Superior Guest Experiences and Efficient Operations with the Right Property Management System

Comprehend the various trends in the PMS market, the value of an effective PMS, and vendors that will provide hoteliers with a competitive advantage while increasing...
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