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EA Capability Metric Definition Tool

After interviewing business stakeholders and identifying high priority capabilities and initiatives, record the definitions of the gathered metrics from the Metrics...

Metrics Evaluation Matrix Template

Gather metrics from three sources (business imperatives, high priority business capabilities, high priority initiatives) and insert them into the Metrics Evaluation...

Value Measure List

During interviews with business stakeholders, while identifying high priority capabilities and initiatives, gather value measures and input them into the Value Measure List.

Smart Computing: Sky's the Limit

Don't make the mistake of thinking that "the cloud" is only for large companies; these days, even small businesses are heading for the cloud. In fact, if you're using...

When Windows Tanks

I recently found myself asking fellow panelists at an MIT Forum what would happen if Windows 8 just didn't take off. There was a conversational pause, so I asked again....

Yahoo Finance: Windows 8 may be an idea whose time will still come

To me, the decision by Microsoft to release an updated version of its Windows 8 operating system is just another example of what we might call The Ribbon Problem.

Canadian CIO: Teleworking that Actually Works

While telecommuting is not a new concept, technologies such as unified communications have matured enough to allow organizations to create more effective work-at-home...

Canadian CIO: In the Loop: What CIOs Need to Know About Employee Collaboration

Social collaboration and communications technology built for the enterprise is part of what's driving companies to find the right balance between allowing room for...

Info-Tech Research Group to Share Insight on Driving Innovation at Upcoming CIO Midmarket Summit

LONDON, ON, 2013—Since its inception, Information Technology (IT) has been characterized by continuous change. It’s a discipline that refuses to permit a comfort zone,...

Change Description Form

Use this template to outline the details of a major departmental or organizational change.
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