Templates & Policies

Vendor File

Maintaining a single, centralized master record for each vendor is invaluable in managing the overall vendor relationship. Use this template to build a master file for...

Contract Approval Documentation Checklist

Use this tool to document all information and materials that must be available prior to approaching the enterprise’s executive for final permission to sign a vendor contract.

Contract Approval Form

Once an executive has reviewed the Purchase Recommendation, they will need to decide whether or not to approve the recommendation and the associated contract. The purpose...

Purchase Recommendation Template

The purpose of this template is to provide a framework for developing a recommendation report that will be presented to the enterprise’s executive.

Configuration Item Record

This template will provide sufficient information about service assets to enable the service to be effectively managed, assess the impact of changes, and deal with...

New Service Concept Template

Use this template to communicate your initial ideas for a new service to stakeholders before building a comprehensive business case.

New Service Proposal Template

Preparing a formal business proposal for a new service can be a challenge for many IT leaders. Use this template to obtain formal justification to move forward given the...

Release and Development Checklist

Use this document to ensure you've made the proper considerations during planning, building and testing, and deployment of new software.

Mock Spear Phishing Email Examples

This document contains numerous mock spear phishing email examples that can be used to test end users’ susceptibility to such attacks.

CSM Platform Vendor Demo Script Template

Use this template to support your business's evaluation of vendors and their solutions. Provide vendors with scenarios that prompt them to display not only their...
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