Cloud Cost Management Policy

Document your cloud cost management policies.

Service Cost Cheat Sheet

Document cost factors by cloud service.

Right-Sizing Workflow

Document your process for right-sizing.

Commitment Purchasing Workflow

Document your workflow for purchasing commitment discounts.

Cloud Cost Glossary of Terms

Define cloud cost management terms.

Cloud Cost Management Task List

Document owners, timelines, and next steps to improve your cloud cost management capabilities.

Implement Crisis Management Best Practices

Build an effective crisis management plan around a framework that enables your organization to respond to any crisis and manage the impact; from health and safety...
  • guided implementation icon

Crisis Management Workflow Examples

Build your own crisis management workflows using Info-Tech's examples.

Implement Crisis Management Best Practices – Executive Brief

Implement an effective crisis response plan to minimize the impact of crises on business continuity, reputation, and profitability.

Implement Crisis Management Best Practices – Phases 1-4

Implement an effective crisis response plan to minimize the impact of crises on business continuity, reputation, and profitability.
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